twenty eight

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Therapy and Shutting Down...

What brings you here today?

Have you ever seen a therapist before?

What do you see as being the biggest problem?

What coping skills have you used in the past?

What's the biggest question you have in this moment about grief?

What else did you lose when your brother died?

What are you angry about?

Every single one of these questions was pissing Sam off as they were thrown at him. He wanted to be anywhere other than in that brown leather seat, having someone stare back at him and see he was broken.

Every time he heard the pen scribble against the notepad, it felt like someone was scratching a chalkboard with their nails. It was excruciating.

What do you do with your anger?

What else could he possibly do with it? He ignored it and shoved it in the back of his mind like anyone else, and having to say that was like swallowing a large pill without a glass of water.

This is why he wanted to avoid it because it was easier, and coming to terms with it and acknowledging it was a disaster.

Before the man could be asked any further questions, Sam got up and walked out of there with no plan to return.

He knew that within just a few days, he could be back to himself. But talking to this 'stupid fuck' set him back. It was like everything flashed in his mind over and over again, and he was battling the sadness and anger inside of him.

The wound was still fresh, and with the death date approaching quickly, it was impossible to come to terms with it.

Usually Sam could find someone who crossed his family and hurt them or go to the gym to release what he was feeling, but he predicted that neither would work this time.

He just needed to be alone.

And doing that, Natalie wasn't able to get in contact with him.

Sam didn't want to be around her or Luca with this raging energy, deciding to stick to himself until he felt like he could be out in the world again. He muted his phone and tossed it off to the side to just take a moment for himself, and doing this caused every text to be left on delivered, and every call to go to voicemail.

Natalie brushed it off as him being busy, but after awhile, it caused her to worry. She knew how depressed he'd been, which eventually created this panic for her.

While she was stuck at work, she tried calling Riccardo or Lou in case he was with them. All she got was, 'No, I ain't seeing him today. Everything okay?'

She told them briefly how she was just trying to get him to answer; the two trying to see if they could get to him for her. It was no use, so Riccardo headed over to Sam's place to check on him. Sam heard the knocking, but instead of asking who it was and opening the door, he stayed seated on the couch.

Sam's lock was impossible to pick, so eventually, the knocking stopped.

Riccardo let Natalie know he had no luck or a way to find him, resulting in her thanking him for at least trying. She appeared to be okay on the phone, but she was on edge. She wasn't sure if it was her anxiety messing with her, but she couldn't ignore this feeling.

She asked her boss if she could leave a little early because she felt sick, and with no hesitation, she was given the grace to leave.

She first looked at a few of his hangouts, everyone saying the same thing; he hadn't stopped by.

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