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From Sadness to Celebration to Panicking...

Sam's twenty sixth birthday approached in February, and Natalie wanted to text him a happy birthday, but she deleted the message. She was doing so good at that time, and opening those can of worms to only be ignored or to draw him back into her life, she did what was best.

Natalie may have been adjusting to life without him around, but she still couldn't delete his number, their messages or even photos.

Not yet.

She didn't know much about how things were going for him, but she did see on Cameron's story that they were throwing him something at a club for his birthday. Natalie smiled as the footage went on.

She missed seeing his face.

Missed hearing his name..

.. missed saying it, moaning it; and she blamed the hormones for that last one.

She missed him overall, though.

Natalie saw how happy he was without her, and she didn't want to ruin that, but as she clicked further into Cameron's story, the joy she once had was snatched from her.

Natalie wasn't sure know how she caught it because it was behind a couple of people, but she watched a girl grab Sam's face and kiss him. Her brows scrunched and her heart shattered as she realized that this is how he was moving on in life.

Someone else was in the picture, and Natalie feelings about that were clear as the tears hit her phone. She knew he would move on from her someday, but she felt like it was too soon, propping her face into the pillow to cry.

To Natalie, this had to be someone Sam was serious about because she was around friends and family, Natalie not knowing that the woman just so happened to be at the club that night. Since Sam was going to call Chloe up after leaving the club anyway, he just let her stay with him until he took her home.

Natalie was annoyed by it all, and if this baby wasn't growing inside of her, she'd be fucking on another's man face out of revenge.

She knew people had pregnancy kinks, but she couldn't push herself to sleep with someone while like this. She felt like only Sam was supposed to, but clearly he was out enjoying other bitch-

..other women.

Natalie may have cried a few times of that night, but she let her energy be formed around what she had planned for that next day.

Being able to stitch and make clothes made Natalie's life easier because she was able to alter a couple pairs of her favorite jeans to fit her body, getting them to button them up around her waist.

Tonight she was going to hang out with some friends; Ayan, Jasmine, Amelia, Alana, and Kylan to be exact. She reserved a table for six at a nice restaurant for dinner, purposely arriving last so she wouldn't have to keep getting up and down, risking everyone seeing her bump before she could untie her jacket.

Her friends were clueless, not sure why they all had to be here, Natalie claiming she just missed them being together.

"Where the fuck is Natalie?" Ayan asked looking at her phone, "she said she was pulling up five minutes ago."

"She just texted me and said she's walking in now," Alana spoke while looking at the message.

Kylan asks, "coming in now or in another five minutes?" since Natalie's been saying that for the last fifteen minutes.

Things with him were good, Kylan still working at Luxe's, but as a Manager now. He wanted to open his own restaurant, so this path was good for him. Alana still worked there, too, but with her artwork bringing in some decent money, in time, she could quit her waitressing gig and focus on her passion.

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