twenty five

762 50 35

* I stepped a little out my comfort zone for this one...

Things Are Clear...

Entering the office on a Monday, Natalie was excited. She got there a little early to help with the set-up in the break room, Paxton putting up the banner that read, Happy Birthday. Natalie brought the chocolate-covered strawberries and lemon-flavored eclairs for Carol. She went to a bakery to get them, talking on the phone with Sam the whole time.

She saw some macaroons that she wanted to devour, but she thought about getting them another time because she couldn't wait around for the next batch. It was a popular place, and their baked goods went fast.

Natalie had to call ahead of time just for the lemon eclairs. It was crazy, but it was worth it to see Carol smile.

Everyone was trying to put out the food and drinks for employees to grab, but neither of them noticed Carol walking in the break room.

"What's all this?" Carol moved her attention to the banner as everyone stared with wide eyes. A gasp ecaped as she placed her hand on her chest, "for me?"

"Blake! You were supposed to keep watch of the elevator doors," Serena hissed at the lawyer as he came into view behind Carol.

Blake got a bunch of glares and eye rolls as he tried to explain himself: "I was! She must've taken the stairs."

Miguel says, "it's not even a few feet away from each other."

Blake sighed, "fine. I went to check one message on my phone. The woman is fast!"

Carol giggled lightly as everyone went to attack Blake, "guys, it's okay. It was still very much of a surprise. I can walk back out and walk back in if you like."

Serena waved her hand, "too late," heading over to hug her, "you already know," as she wrapped the woman into her arms, Serena rubbed her back, "happy birthday, Carol."

"Thank you," she says, "all of you," the two release from the embrace, "this is really sweet."

"Well, I'm glad you liked it," one of the lawyers said.

"I love it," Carol says as she looks around, "every year it gets better," she smiles at them warmly, removing her glasses, the necklace attached to it allowing her to drop it at her neck, "are those eclairs?"

Paxton nodded, "yes. Natalie and I picked them up this morning."

Natalie's jaw dropped, and she squinted her eyes at him, "don't lie. I had to stand in that line at eight this morning just to get my hands on em'. You ain't takin' the credit."

Paxton made this purring sound at her, seeing she was scolding him for his lie, "alright," watching Carol give Natalie a hug.

"I wish that place never got popularized," Carol said with a sigh, "it's been so hard to put an order in, and I am just too old to be standing in those long lines for one."

Paxton nods. He would've gotten the dessert for her, but seeing that line, he drove to the nearest market to get her some cupcakes.

"Yeah, ever since that girl from social media did a review from them, they've been blowing up these last few weeks," Jade said as she grabbed a mug to make herself a cup of tea.

Carol now sees the reason: "ohhh, so that's why they're always packed. That makes a whole lot of sense."

She didn't use social media at all, so she was unaware of many things online and what the new thing was.

Blake gasps because he almost forgot, "Natalie, you got a delivery."

She looked over at him, puzzled, "me?"

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