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When Grieving...

Leaving Natalie and blocking her out of his existence was not the plan Sam had for his New Years resolution. She was supposed to be there with him, and more importantly, be there for him as he encountered the most unsettling thing in his life. While his brother laid there unresponsive, no one knew what was going to happen.

Sam held himself responsible for all of the events that unfolded as he watched his brother lay in there unresponsive, feeling as though he could've prevented this even though it was out of his control.

Giulia held Sam tightly in her arms as he blame himself, "Ma, it's my fault," he cried in her hold, Giulia shaking her head continuously,"I should've been his big brother, and forced him to stop," he could only think of Carlo giving the green light for this shooting even though no one knew the actual cause.

He tried it once before, who's to say Carlo wouldn't have done it again?

Everyone felt like they took too long to scold Giuseppe about fooling around with another man's girlfriend, and every joke that was cracked about it just made them feel shitty. Shit wasn't funny now.

"No, no, no," Giulia lifted her son's head, holding him by his cheeks as she wiped the tears from his face with her thumb, crying a few her own, "this is not your fault, sweetheart. This is shooter's fault. They did this to him, and we're gonna make em' fuckin' pay for takin' our family."

Richie had his men question the shooter, getting the man brutally beaten until he was broken, but not even that made him utter a word. Threatening his family was next, but the ID and debit card he had in his wallet was phony, so they had nothing from him.

It was like the man didn't exist, not even Luzi being able to find a thing on him. With the shooter's life scrubbed, this meant that the person who hired him had connections and a damn good team to hide everything about that night.

Richie was able to have someone meet up at the location where the drop off was supposed to happen, but when Alessia's name was mentioned, the man was confused. He didn't make it out alive because he also wasn't snitching, but Richie was given his burner.

It didn't have much on it, and it led the Castillo's with no leads.

As they searched for answers, Giuseppe flatlined by the end of that week, and there was no bringing him back. Some gunshot wounds can lead to a surgery and stitches, or a waking up from a coma with disabilities or other issues, but this one ended in the death of Giuseppe Castillo.

No amount of shouts and demands could bring him back, and a week later, they had to bury him.

Bury their child, bury their brother, bury their nephew, their grandson.

The Family was broken, and Giulia couldn't breathe as the new erupted through her ears.

Giuseppe was supposed to bury her, not the other way around.

The Doctor told her what to expect, but she wasn't up for believing that her son could die. She knew that because of the severity of the wound, a coma was possible. If she had to pick her poison, she'd take a few weeks coma over attending her baby boy's funeral.

She was looking forward to helping him get back to health, but that was taken from her as he took his last breath.

No one knew how to move on with life, and everyone who owed the Castillo's money or gave them back talk was backhanded or pushed to their death.

The Family was on edge, and even their rival's had to back off from the terror the Castillo's caused in the streets.

Sam was angry at the world, especially Natalie. She left him when he needed her, and with no form of contact, she proved to him that she never cared about him. He wanted to be selfish because when she needed him, he was fucking there. Every tear shed, every mental breakdown, and she couldn't be there for him knowing his brother was in the ground?

Tied to a Castillo I 18+जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें