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First Conversation After No Contact...

The shoe was on the other foot, and now every time that Sam called, Natalie was ignoring him. His calls went through, and the messages he sent were blue, so Sam knew he wasn't blocked.

He already assumed that she might not pick up right away, but a week has gone by, and not one reply came from her. Sam knew he could easily head over to her new place, but he was trying to give her time since she's given him that.

Sam wouldn't do a whole nine months because experiencing seven days of being ignored was already killing him, the karma striking him for how he did her. He was growing impatient, distracting himself with work to not show up at her door.

Natalie listened to every voicemail and read each message. She wanted to speak to him, but her main focus was on trying to get her baby here. It was the first week of June, and he should've been here by now. She grew a little concerned, but speaking with her Mom and Doctor about her worries, she was then able to avoid the overwhelming thoughts.

Everyone was checking in on her a lot since they knew she was just moments from giving birth. Natalie seemed pretty chill about it, more so excited to finally meet the person she's been carrying for months.

Every time she got excited about her water breaking when getting up for the day, she grew less enthused by the next. This baby was gonna come out when he was ready and it showed.

"Listen to me, young man," Natalie spoke lowly, rubbing her hands at the side of her stomach in a soothing way. Her son wasn't even here yet and she was already scolding him.

Natalie continued, "you're gonna listen to Mommy right now and make your way into to this world, you hear me?" she asked with her eyes closed. She hissed at the feel of him moving, opening her eyes to stare down at her belly, "oh, you think you're funny."

She was leaning on the kitchen counter, speaking to get her son to get the show on the road. She went out earlier this afternoon to get some air and walk, in hopes that'll speed things up.

"What am I gonna name you?" she sighed, "but more importantly, what are we gonna eat?" she smiled to herself, the baby kicking her softer this time.

She knew she should've got some food on her way back, and as six o'clock approached, she wished she did.

Everything in her fridge was something she had to thaw out or boil in a pot for minutes, and just getting out the two plates to cut onions on and plate her food on felt like a job.

She was exhausted, changing her mind to find a pizza spot to satisfy her craving. The grease was something she could taste on her tongue, asking for extra cheese which made her mouth water.

Natalie couldn't wait to watch the cheese stretch from the pie, waiting under an hour for her box to arrive by the delivery driver.

She tipped the woman before lifting the lid to see the beauty, the steam fanning her face. The cooks made it fresh, the delicious smell making its way into her nose.

She didn't even get the chance to close the door fully and sit down on the couch before she was snatching a slice to devour, taking large bites. Natalie was feasting for two, enjoying as many slices that she and her son wanted without shame.

She slowly got full by the third piece, taking a napkin to get rid of the grease that coated her nails and that was smeared around her mouth.

She noticed that Ayan was trying to reach her by the phone, and grinned as she slid her finger across her screen to pick up her call.

"Why is he being so stubborn?" Ayan questioned through gritted teeth once Natalie came into view on the screen, "tell him to come out to see his Auntie Ayan right now."

Tied to a Castillo I 18+Where stories live. Discover now