Perfect ♡

369 24 19

"I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man"

Taehyung : Good.... Cause I wanna remind you again how much I do.

Saying this he nuzzled his head onto her neck. His teeth pulling the skin near her collarbone making her grasp in pain. But he was quick to ease her by licking and peppering that place with kisses while reaching for the drawer with his hand to grab the protection. His hand fumbled on the drawer to find it while he kept kissed on her neck again and again, on top of the necklace of his that she had been wearing since this evening. He was panting heavily while rummaging through the drawer .His touches had became sloppy as he was getting distracted in his search. He was still on top of her yet his eyes seemed to be looking for something else. Worried, Her hand reached for his face as she spoke between her heavy breathes.

Y/n : Is e-everything okay?

Nodding his head hastily he kissed her and replied.

Taehyung : Yeah... It's - nothing.

He replied while focusing back on her. His hand grabbed the hem of her dress to pull it down before throwing it into the ground, leaving her in her bra only. His hands immediately going behind her back to unclasp her bra. Throwing it on top of the piles of the clothes , he found himself hurriedly reaching for her breast. Latching his mouth on her nipple he started sucking on her breast while kneeding her other one. He was about to switch his mouth on the other one when found himself pausing despite of the adrenaline rush. Cursing at himself he raised his head up from her neck. Her eyes followed his curiously to know why was he suddenly acting so timid like this.

Y/n : Taehyung-
Taehyung : Y/n I-

His tongue brushed over his lips while he nervously caressed her hair.

Taehyung : Ar-are you on pill?

He asked, making her eyes widen. Pills. She has never even thought about it before. Didn't even bother to be on it as she had never been sexually active. Her gynac had advised her to keep them with her before her marriage but she never really bothered to take one as nothing had happened between her and taehyung before except in their honeymoon. And since things became messy after their first time, she didn't get the proper chance to think about it all later. So she wasn't on pill and judging by how taehyung was searching for something, she could tell what he could have been looking for at this moment. And clearly they didn't had It with them. Seeing her startled like this taehyung immediately spoke.

Taehyung : It's alright- You don't have to be on those anyways. I heard they are not good for health.... Fuck- I should have been careful. I thought we had it at home-

He said while refering to condoms and kissed her again assuringly.

Taehyung : I'll g-get them quickly. Hmm ..? Just wait a bit-

He said and gave a quick peak on her lips again before sitting up and fixing his disheveled state. Buttoning up his shirt he quickly started to fix his messy hair while y/n sat up.

Y/n : It s-should be fine. I'm not ovaluating- I mean if we are careful-
Taehyung : Aniya... It's alright. I'll be quick.

Leaning down he quickly left a kiss on her forehead and spoke.

Taehyung : I'll be quick. Wait for me

Flashing a smile at her he carefully pulled the covers over her before leaving their room.

And with the sound of the door closing, everything around her became remotely quite. The room that was filled with their heavy breathing just a second ago had turned cold. Sighing she pulled the blanket over her body properly and laid down on the bed. But as she laid on the bed now alone she couldn't help but feel embarrassed at how awkward it will be to continue once he returns. Her cheeks heated up with the thought of it as she found herself cursing at her own carelessness. She should have been on pill or they should have kept those at home at least. Then this situation wouldn't have arised. But again they were not sexually active so there wasn't much concern regarding this things. Nonetheless she was embarrassed to meet his eyes again. One one hand she hoped that he'll be back soon on the other hand she hoped that it will take time so that she can calm herself down.

After I do || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now