Done playing safe

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Y/n : Thank you again.

She said while bowing to the butler after paying him and then closed the door of the hotel room behind her. Dragging her luggage she entered in the living room of the suit. The interior was minimalistic yet it screamed luxury. The light air freshener also smelled rich. Something vanilaish like maybe. Mentally she took a note to find one in similar scent for their home after returning. Bunch of snacks layed on the shiny kitchen counter perking her interests. Maybe staying here won't be that boring she thought as she opened the door of the bedroom but sighed immediately. Maybe she judged to fast. She paced towards the side table and picked up the intercom. Dialing the designated number she waited for the hotelier to pick up the call and-

Y/n : Yes- Can you please send someone to clean the room 1007?....Hmm.Yes. The decor.

She responded while staring at the decorated room around her making her sting with unexplainable rage. The roses, the bouquets, the adorned bucket of wine and chocolates, the "Congratulations on your wedding" cake everything felt like a slap on her face as she replied

Y/n : I want it all removed...hmm. No, thank you. That will be all.

Taehyung sighed while glancing at the clock for the nth time. Why was the time ticking so slowly. There's still hours left for his flight but he was already at the airport. Infact it has been a while since he had reached here. But his mind wasn't at peace. Rather his mind was having a conflict of his own ever since he had missed his flight for Yesoul .Yesoul was someone who had been in his life for nearly a decade now. He has seen her up and downs the way she has seen his. Yesoul's parents had gotten divorced when she was in grade 8. Because her mother had been cheating on her father for years. Infact she had a step sister who was just 2 years younger than her. And after the cheating was revealed, her father didn't even waste a second to file for divorce but he was willing to co-parent with her mother cause otherwise it will be hard for yesoul to live without her mother so suddenly .But her mother didn't want to do that. She was happy to get the alimony and didn't want to be a part of Yesoul's life. Infact she threw her out from her life without any hesitation rightaway. Back then yesoul still seemed cheerful like before even after the messy divorce of her parents .Or perhaps it was all pretension cause things started to change on the last year of her high school. Her step sister suddenly joined the same one which they used to go. And that's when taehyung and others started to notice this change in her. All of a sudden she started to get too obsessive over the most simplest things. She wouldn't let her friend circle talk with anyone else except her. She'll get possessive over them and will question about her friends whereabouts all the time and would always think that everyone is lying to her. She would suspect her friends for no reason and accuse them of ignoring her over tinest bit of miscommunication. Taehyung and others were able to understand why she was acting like this. Seeing her mother pampering someone else while treating her like a complete stranger made her feel insecure about herself. So she got possessive of the things and people around her because she didn't want them to live her like her mother had did. Taehyung had thought that they should be understanding and keep reassuring her for her mental well-being. To assure her that her friends wouldn't leave her. Which is why he didn't bother to draw the line between them and always let her do whatever she preferred. But maybe he was slightly wrong. Jimin, jungkook and others had told him before that it was about time that he should stop. It's been years. Letting her do whatever she wants would made her suffer too in future . Not everyone is gonna be understanding about why she's behaving like this so it's better if people around her makes her realize that her possessiveness is indeed making things harder for people around her. To be honest taehyung had tried to indirectly tell her that several times that they weren't kids anymore and it's not normal but yesoul would get really affected and start to isolate herself everytime he tried. So he to play it safe, he started to feign ignorance. But now he was realising that maybe he's way of handling things between him and yesoul wasn't right. He was too emerged in being careful about Yesoul's feelings that he didn't even realise that he was hurting his wife with his actions. Honestly speaking, perhaps he wouldn't even have noticed how affected y/n was if she hadn't confronted him at the day of the party. He was shocked to hear how insecure she had been feeling because of him. They had vowed to remain faithful to eachother afterall- right? Then how could he do that to her! He felt pathetic. That day his heart literally sank when he heard her saying that he didn't care about her. Yes. They were indeed in a arrange marriage. But never- not even for a second considered this marriage as a compromise. The things he had said that day at the dinner table was true. He genuinely wanted to do this with y/n. He genuinely felt that they can make this arrange marriage work. And He really wished that y/n would believed him. But is she supposed to believe him after the things he had done. Going on this honeymoon was the way of him showing his intention regarding this marriage. Through this trip he wanted to assure y/n that it will always be her. He wanted to assure her that he isn't planning to end this. Rather that he too wants to make a progress in their marriage. But somehow he ended up ruining it again. Maybe jimin was right. He is taking advantage of the fact that it's easier to explain and make y/n compromise than it is to yesoul and which is why he always ended up making her wait for him again and again unconciously....

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