A step back

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The breakfast with her parents went by smoothly. There wasn't any happenings but tension was visible among them. They were now standing on the doorway offering their greetings before leaving when her mother spoke.

Mom : Taehyung_ah...Can I take y/n for a moment? I forgot to give her something.
Taehyung : Yeah sure eomma..I'll get the car then.

Glancing at y/n he continued

Taehyung : I'll be at the parking lot. Thanks lot again eomma.

He said to y/n which she replied by nodding her head and left with her mom. Meanwhile taehyung Waited for her at his car. She does needs to talk with her parents. Perhaps they were uncomfortable around taehyung to talk about the incident. It was better this way he thought. But y/n came back sooner than he had anticipated with her arms full of bags. She knocked on taehyung's window to grab his attention gesturing to unlock the door which he did immediately. She kept those bags on the back seat and came to the front. Taehyung glanced at the back and saw which looked like boxes. Food containers. Tying her seatbelts she replied.

Y/n : Eomma had made some side dishes for us. But she forgot to give it to us yesterday.
Taehyung : oh I see..I should call and thank her later then.

He said while starting the car. But he couldn't help but wonder whether she had really talked with her family. She looked same and so was there car ride. Quite as usual. But they had made progress in the morning. They were talking about various stuffs on their morning walk right? Then why was it so quite like before now.It's not like he minded silence. It's just maybe...maybe he had liked talking with her casually about random things more.

After reaching home Taehyung helped her in bringing the packages at the kitchen along with the organising. Putting the last container on the fridger he spoke.

Taehyung : I need to visit bank for some work. I don't think I can make it to lunch.
Y/n : O-oh.. Okay..Are you going now then?
Taehyung : Hmm... I'm just gonna change quickly.
Y/n : Sure.

She watched him going upstairs till he was within her sight. After he was gone she fixed the kitchen counter and measured rice before putting it on the rice cooker for her lunch. And by then taehyung had already returned dressed in his formal shirt and pants. His hair neatly brushed back and set unlike his fluffy morning hair. Reaching the last step he glanced at her and said.

Taehyung : I'll be out then.

He was about to leave when y/n spoke.

Y/n : Are y-you- gonna be back before dinner.
Taehyung : Yeah sure.

He said nodding his head. He should leave now. He was already late for his appointment but he couldn't take the step out of the house. He didn't knew why it felt bit wrong to leave her. It's not like he hasn't left on a weekend before. It's just he wasn't sure whether she really was doing okay or not. Won't it be wrong to leave her like this?
Seeing taehyung standing there awkwardly y/n gave him a tight smile asking.

Y/n : Do you need anything?
Taehyung : Hmm.?? Ah no. I was about to leave. Ye-yah I'll head now. You sh-should lock the door.

He uttered and took fast strides leaving the house. He had wanted to ask her if she was okay but again he couldn't. Locking the door y/n started her work. Starting from laundry to cleaning she did it all as weekend is the only time she gets to do these stuffs properly. But perhaps she was cleaning a little too much. The ceilings were already clean and so was the floor but her mind was crowded. So she found herself brushing and mopping them to clear her head. The talk with her mother really messed her mind..

"I know why you came y/n.. Eomma it was for taehyung's file- don't lie y/n. How could taehyung find the file on your room when taehyung had never really entered there.- I was worried eomma- And why y/n? I was okay-Eomma how long should we pretend- Y/n I already told you. Your father just had a rough day at work- but that doesn't mean he can talk like that- Y/n I told you these are nothing. Just focus on your relationship with taehyung- But Eomma - No y/n. You know how embarrassed I was. Taehyung definitely knew something was wrong. What would he think about us if you react like that?- Eomma taehyung is not the issue. He wouldn't mind-He is our son-in-law y/n. It matters- I w-was just scared Eomma. I'm sure something had happened too after we left. You eyes were swollen- Y/n I said I'm fine. Your dad was normal in the morning too. Didn't you see? We are doing fine. So please don't do things like these from next time.Don't bother taehyung with all these. Okay?"

After I do || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now