I felt really stupid

236 17 5

He was sooo dead today. After few rings taehyung picked up the call.

Taehyung: Hmmm jimin_ah?
Jimin : Where are you?
Taehyung: I'm about to sleep. I'm tired. Why?
Jimin : How is y/n..?
Taehyung: Y-y/n..?
Jimin : Hmmm y/n.. Or did you already Forgot her name too!
~Taehyung sat up straight on his bed of his hotel room as he rubbed his temples in frustration.~
Taehyung: Why jimin? What happened now? It's already very late-
Jimin : Did you talk with her?
Taehyung: Huh?
Jimin : I asked if you had talked with her after reaching uk. So have you?
Taehyung: N-no..But why are you asking all this suddenly?
Jimin : Cause you might have forgotten about the existence of your wife which is why I'm calling you.
Taehyung: Jimin I'm too tired to talk in riddles with you. So if it's important then speak quickly otherwise I would like to sleep now-
Jimin : Your wife is not at home. Infact has left home with a suitcase. Now you can be the one to judge if it's important or not. Informing you was my job. Good night.
~Jimin uttered this all in one breath before ending the call making taehyung startled. It took him a minute to process what he had said and as the realisation hit him, he immediately unlocked his phone and called back jimin. Did he just say that y/n has left the house? But why would she?! His thinking got interrupted as jimin answered the call and said in an annoyed tone~
Jimin : What? Is it important enough-
Taehyung: What do you mean by she has left? What happened tell me?
Jimin : oh so now your going to your husband mode? After these many days?!
Taehyung: Jimin-
Jimin : Fine!!! Now hear me.

Jimin then explained him all the details starting from her meeting jungkook to him meeting her at the cafeteria today and how worn out she had looked.

Taehyung: So what you are trying to say is- that she left because I didn't made her feel important?
Jimin : That's how it seems. Her eyes were completely swollen and red when I met her today. She looked too worn out. Infact jungkook also said the same thing. Besides all the time when I talked with her she made it seem that she is under constant contact with you. So of course she felt insecure about that otherwise she wouldn't have felt the need to lie right?!
Taehyung: I d-dont know jimin. I just never felt the need to call anyone. I'm not used to of having-
Jimin : That still can't be an excuse you yourself know that Tae. You called us right?!

~Jimin replied but this time calmly as he continued ~

Jimin : Tae you have to understand. She just got married. Every girl desires to be feel pampered by their husbands.. specially when they are newly married. But look at you two. You guys barely did anything out of your regular routine. You guys wake up eat and then leave and sleep again back at night. Progress can't be made like this.

~Taehyung remained quite while jimin continued after a deep breathe~

Jimin : As I told before Tae. I can't garenttiedly say why she had left but I can pretty much tell that she's very insecure of this relationship. I know it hasn't been many days since you got married so it's hard for you too. But Try to make her feel worthy. Make her feel like she is your family not some roommate or something. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Taehyung : Hmm... I understand.

~He replied while brushing his hair back ~

Jimin : Hmm..So if you understand then call her and don't make it seem that you have talked with me okay?!
Taehyung: hmm....Yes.
Jimin : Okay. Don't call her right away then it will seem suspicious. Call her at night so she is free from work too okay?!
Taehyung: Yes....
Jimin : Good. I'll hang up then
Taehyung : Yeah. Thanks...

Ending the call he sighed as he glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 11.pm now. He should wait at least few more hours to call her. So he put on a alarm then Went to sleep. But he was wrong. He couldn't sleep. He was feeling restless all the time as what jimin had said kept repeating in his head. Did she really leave home ? But she was good when he left. Infact she cooked for him too right?! But then why suddenly- no it's not sudden. He himself had didn't pay attention to her after coming to UK. He tossed on his bed for several hours before he dozed off .....

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