I do

354 21 14

"You’ll understand someday that
You’re my four seasons."

Taehyung : I didn't know what else to do.

He answered while letting the threatning tear slide down his cheek.

Taehyung : I didn't know w-what else to do. I still- ~breathe~ I s-still don't know w-what to do Y/n. I-I j-just-

His legs gave up as he dropped down on his knees at the cold tiles. Tears streamed down continuously from his face as his palms tightened it's grip on his knees making his knuckles turn white in vain attempt of trying to muffle his sobs. His body shuddered as he cried miserably.

Taehyung : I j-just...I re-really- I really d-do Y/n. I really do.

His head hanged low as he clasped his palms on his eyes to stop the flowing tears.

While y/n's feet stumbled making the back of her legs hit the bed as she fell on the bed at the sudden revelation. She sat there with her body going numb with each second. Her fingers tightened it's grip on the mattress  while her eyes remained focused ahead on the window. At the dark street. Unable to comprehend the words of taehyung.

Taehyung : I re-really do Y/n. I'll d-do anything J-just just ~sniffle~  c-can't you just stay with me? I J-just-

The lump of his throat only kept getting heavier, making it harder for him to say anything.....He had already bared his heart out to her. But was it too late now? To mend anything?

For taehyung it was - if he had been too late on accepting his heart. And for Y/n It was- whether anything had existed in her heart to accept.

Y/n didn't knew how long she had stayed  there quite on the bed. Neither did taehyung knew how long has it been since he had been in his knees crying out of guilt.

Taehyung's breathing became lighter and lighter with each passing second, making his sobs grow relatively quite. The back of his palms brushed above his nose bridge as he glanced up at his wife.....His wife. Can I still call you that? Or have you already made up your mind on giving up on us? Despite of the fear, he still called her name. His voice low and deep , making her flinch at the sudden break in the silence. Her eyes meet his. He was still on the floor. Looking up at her with a grimace look at his face. Dried tear staining his skin. His beautiful eyes....that had always intrigued her. His beautiful eyes that had lost its shine in mere spans of few hours. His beautiful eyes from which She could never take her eyes off. His beautiful eyes which she couldn't bare to look anymore today due to the clenching pain of her heart. She should have lots to say. Lots to ask. Yet she found herself unable to utter a single word. Was it guilt or helplessness? Was it guilt of not falling him? Or was it helplessness of not being courageous enough to accept her feelings? Or was it the realisation of not knowing what her heart wants? Why didn't she knew her own heart?Why was she like this? The man that had always kept his head high and mighty had  bared himself naked Infront of her today.The man that had never lost his demeanour was on his knees with defeated eyes. How did he end up like this? How did she made him end up like this?  How did they end up like this?

She slipped down from the bed on the floor beside taehyung. Bringing her knees closer to her chest, she found herself leaning onto his shoulder. She could clearly hear his heart thumping loudly. She could clearly feel his body trembling. The shudder of his breathe at the touch of her leaning on to him. The way his fingers twitched on his knee caps. She felt it all. She didn't know what she was doing or what she had been wanting. Yet she found herself buring her head on his embrace. She knew that she had been wrong all these times for pushing their marriage. She knew that she was wrong for using him to find a sense of security. She knew she was wrong all along. Yet she found herself making that same mistake again...By using him again. By using him again to hide herself from all the words that had been crowding her mind. By using him to hide herself from all the thoughts of her head. Her legs curled up towards her chest to hide herself further as she muttered.

After I do || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now