Some promises are meant to be broken

298 22 14

The suitcase remained opened on the bed as y/n talked with her mother on her phone.

Y/n : Hmm...the packing is nearly done.
Y/n's mother : Good. Your flight is at tomorrow evening right?
Y/n : Yeah.
Y/n's mother : Don't stay up till late okay? You won't be able to sleep on the flight anyway.
Y/n : Yes Eomma.
Y/n's mother: Hmm.. I should go now then-
Y/n : Wait eomma-
Y/n's mother : Hhu..?
Y/n : Uh- eomma um- did Appa like- I me-mean the shirt- did he-

Sighing y/n looked down, massaging her neck. Why can't she ask a simple question? The silence on the other end of the call made her regret for asking.

Y/n : Eomma I need to check som-something -
Y/n's mother: He liked it y/n.
Y/n : Hhuh?
Y/n's mother: Yes. I saw him earlier. He was trying to match the shirt with the pants he has. Maybe he'll wear that.

Y/n smiled sadly. Everything has changed so much since her childhood. There was a time when she used to sneak in her dad's cupboard to check his shirt size to gift him. And her dad would wear those gifts even if the designs were tacky or wrong in size.Now, She still sneaks into his cupboard. But not for checking the size anymore. But to leave the gifts quitely there and pretending that they were not from her. Pretending that they were gifted by his colleagues or someone which he has forgotten about. The lie had worked perfectly all this time.

Taehyung : Y/n? Sorry- continue with your call-

Taehyung said while entering the room but stopped immediately after seeing her talking on the phone.

Y/n : It's f-fine. Eomma-
Y/n' s mother: Yeah yeah sure. Take care. Both of you hmm..?
Y/n : You too eomma.

Y/n ended the call and glanced up at taehyung.

Y/n : Yes?
Taehyung : Sorry about your call.
Y/n : Aniya. We were just about to end the call anyway. What were you saying?
Taehyung : Oh I-

He gave an envelope to y/n.

Taehyung : The photocopies of the documents and SIM cards are on this envelope. Keep them safely with you
Y/n : Okay.

She took the envelope and placed it on the pocket of the suitcase when taehyung spoke again.

Taehyung : Did you meet Mom today? Jiyeon said that you came for visit.
Y/n : Hmm...To give them the presents and all.
Taehyung : Oh I see...How was the visit?

Y/n's hand hauled in her action.
" how was the visit?" Lying seemed like an easier option.

Y/n : Yeah. It was great. Obviously. ~laugh~

She replied while taking her leftover clothes to the closet. Lying to taehyung was always hard. His gaze is always so demanding that she feels too small under it . Besides whatever had happened was her fault anyways. She should have known better that her father-in-law was diabetic before bringing cupcakes for them. She should have cooked better lunch there so that her mother-in-law wouldn't have gotten embarrassed Infront of their neighbor. She should have known better that her mother-in-law doesn't likes yellow colour before getting her a scarf in that colour as a gift. She should have known that her mother-in-law only keeps lilies for decoration at their home before bringing a wrong bouquet of roses with her. She wanted the day to go perfect today. But everything she did from the start to end ended up wrong. Her mother-in-law's disappointment was justified. Anyone would have react that way if they got embarrassed because of their daughter-in-law's poor house managing skills Infront of others. She really was trying to fix the tension among her and her mother-in-law but perhaps she failed to do so. She just hopes that jiyeon didn't tell taehyung anything.

Taehyung : Dad got really upset that no one informed him about your arrival. ~chuckle~ He said he would have ditched his office to meet his daughter-in-law.

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