Do something...Say something

301 20 16

Taehyung : Kiss me.

She startledly looked back at him at his remark. Did she misheard him! No-Taehyung didn't look like he was joking. Infact his expression remained same stoic ,serious. Finding no answer from her he asked again.

Taehyung : What? Kiss me. If you are that adamant on going for honeymoon despite of knowing what happens, you should at least be able to kiss me now. Shouldn't you?

Her fist curled up as she looked down at her feet in embarrassment. He was right. She should at least be able to do that. She was so desparate to make this marriage work that she didn't even realise how absurd she might be sounding for bringing such kind of subject so suddenly. Taehyung sighed and said.

Taehyung: I don't know why you are saying this all- but don't say things for which you can't take responsibility for.

He turned around walking away from her as he continued.

Taehyung : I thought you were mature and knew what to do and what to not... I just don't understand how you are taking what others said seriously and behaving so irrationally.

Y/n didn't knew why but her paitence and sanity dropped hearing it . She was behaving irrationally?! She really wanted to control her temper but it was her last straw. She only wanted to find ways to make this marriage work but he called her immature instead. And before she could stop herself she ended up lashing out at him.

Y/n : I'm behaving irrationally!

He didn't turned around and remained unfazed as he opened his cupboard to take out fresh sets of clothes completely ignoring her.


He remained nonchalant and replied calmly.

Taehyung : Y/n- You aren't thinking straight. Let's talk tomorrow-
Y/n : NO! We'll talk now! Tell me how I'm behaving irrationally! At least I'm trying to think of something to make it work! I'm trying to take responsibility for it. But what are you doing taehyung!

Y/n didn't know if it was the alcohol that was making her so bold or the pilled up frustration that she had been hiding. She just couldn't take it anymore.

Y/n : Yes- I know I shouldn't but- BUT I DON'T LIKE THIS!!! I DON'T IIKE IT WHEN YOU KEEP GOING TO HER AGAIN AND AGAIN! I get that she's your friend and has been in your life for longer. But I'm- I'm your wife too. No matter how we got married we still are !...~choke~.I'm trying so hard to be perfect for you taehyung. To be good enough for you. I'm learning to cook and everything. ~sad chuckle~ I'm even stupidly wearing dresses out of my comfort zone just to make you look at me but- but you never do.

Her voice started trembling as she continued

Y/n : You are maybe contented with such marriage but I'm not. Call me selfish but I just don't- I can't pretend to be fine with everything when I'm not. I've tried so hard to feign ignorance all this time to avoid conflict among us bu-but I can't do it any-anymore taehyung.

She hastily tried to wipe the tears off her eyes that were threatning to fall as she continued.

Y/n : I don't- I don't like it when she's the first person that comes in your mind. I hated the fact that you went to her birthday right away after reaching Korea when you didn't even bother to inform me about your arrival date. I hate the fact that I have to hear about you from others all the time. Do Y-you even know how pathetic it feels! It feels like they are all laughing at my face... I wanna know too if you have reached office safely. I wanna know too if you had eaten or not. I wanna know too what you like and dislike. Ca-can't you try to include me in your life slightly?! Is it too much to ask for?

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