Broken Hearts Can Heal

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We've got yet another request from Lalelu10001 (I love it, I promise). Hope I did okay!

It took a long time- like, a long ass time for Bucky to finally trust himself enough to date you. He would always be haunted by Hydra and what they made him do. However, he was finally in control of himself, and he loved you more than anything. He could never hurt you.

You, of course, were thrilled when he finally took you up on the offer of going to dinner. The two of you have now been dating for nearly a year. Which, when you already lived together in the same compound and had to trust each other with your lives on missions, felt more like an entire life.

And the two of you did fan-freaking-tastic together on missions. Others were worried at first that you two would be too worried about the other to be able to focus, but really that worry made you hyper focus. It was impressive, really.

Sam teased you all about it. He was one of your closest friends on the team (which, unfortunately for him, meant he had to listen to all the talk about your relationship with Bucky).

No one thought twice at the start of this mission. Why would they need to?

"All right, everyone here?" Steve asked, looking around the back of the quinjet before closing it. He saw your face, Bucky's face, Natasha's face, and Tony's face. He nodded to himself, then closed the door.

Tony immediately geared up to get the jet going, and Steve stood so everyone could see him. "All right, this mission is just another Hydra take down. Another base- small enough it was hardly recognized as an official base. We should be in and out quick.

"Y/n)." You perked up at the mention of your name. "You will go inside, clear out and look for any prisoners."

You nodded at Steve's command and he gave out the rest of the positions.

Like he said, nothing you guys hadn't done before. It should have been easy.

When you got to the base, everyone jumped into action immediately. There wasn't a lot of resistance- again, something chalked up to the base's small size. Not enough people to protect.

It was supposed to be easy.

You were going through the halls and noticed the base seemed to be bigger on the inside. It didn't raise the red flags it should've. There were sounds of struggle coming up ahead, so that's what you focused on. You got in the room the sounds were coming from, and by the time you realized it was a trap, the cloth covered in chloroform was already covering your nose and mouth, and you were out cold.

Bucky panicked the second he stopped hearing your replies over the comms. You always had something to say. Some progress update, something witty, a reminder for someone else. So when you had been radio silent for five minutes, he knew something was up.

"(Y/n), come in. Come in, (Y/n). Do you read me? (Y/n), come in!" Bucky's panicked voice rang out in everyone's ears. (Your comm was left behind, so his voice was echoing throughout the room you had last been in.)

"Bucky, calm down. I'm sure everything is fine. I'll go in and check- you stay out here," Steve said, leaving from his post beside Bucky to head in the base.

Steve was panicking as well, but the last thing he was going to do was let Bucky know that.

He made his way through the base, unknowingly tracing your every step. Steve got to the room you had been in moments before, and almost instantly saw the left behind earpiece. Kneeling down, Steve carefully picked it up and looked at it.

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