The Orphanage

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It was a hot and humid day when Lina arrived at the remote orphanage. She had been sent there by the government to conduct an investigation into the welfare of the children housed there.

As she made her way up the long, winding path that led to the orphanage, Lina couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The air seemed to hum with an energy that she couldn't explain, and the surrounding trees were thick with overgrowth.

When she reached the door of the orphanage, she was greeted by a woman named Ibu Nur, the caretaker of the orphanage. She was an elderly woman, with deep wrinkles etched into her face and a stern, no-nonsense manner.

"Welcome to our orphanage," said Ibu Nur. "We're happy to have you here to conduct your investigation, but I must warn you that our children are very precious to us. Please do not disturb their peace."

Lina nodded, feeling a sense of respect for the caretaker. She knew that the welfare of the children was Ibu Nur's top priority, and she was determined to conduct her investigation in a way that would not disturb them.

Over the next few days, Lina went about her investigation, interviewing the children and examining the facilities. The children seemed happy and well-cared for, and the facilities were clean and well-maintained.

However, there was something that Lina couldn't quite put her finger on - a sense of unease that seemed to permeate the air around her. She could hear whispers in the night, and she could sense a strange energy in the halls.

One night, as she was sleeping in her room, she was awakened by the sound of a child's laughter. At first, she thought it was coming from outside, but as it grew louder, she realized that it was inside the orphanage.

Cautiously she got out of bed and made her way towards the sound. She ended up in the basement, where there was a small room that had been locked. The laughter was coming from inside.

Lina tried the door, but it was locked. She could hear a child's voice from the other side, urging her to come closer.

"Who's there?" asked Lina, her voice trembling slightly.

"It's me, Rina," said the voice on the other side. "I'm trapped in here. Please help me."

Feeling a sudden surge of bravery, Lina tried the door again, and this time it creaked open.

Inside, she found a small girl, no more than eight years old, chained to the wall. Her hair was tangled and her clothes were torn, and her eyes were filled with a pure, unadulterated fear.

Lina knew that she had to get the girl out of the orphanage as soon as possible. But as she tried to unchain her, she could sense a strange energy in the air, something that made her skin crawl.

Suddenly, she heard a growl - low and menacing, like the sound of a wild animal. She turned around, and saw a figure standing in front of her. It was the ghost of the orphanage's founder, who had been cruel and abusive to the children under her care.

"You have disturbed my children," said the ghost in a low, menacing voice. "And now you must pay the price."

Lina tried to run, but the ghost was too fast. It grabbed her by the throat, pulling her towards its face. Lina could see now that it had no eyes, just empty sockets that seemed to stare deep into her soul.

"You will never leave this orphanage," said the ghost, its voice a low, guttural growl. "You will join us in the darkness, forever trapped in this place."

As Lina struggled to breathe, she saw the ghost's grip starting to weaken. She realized that the chains were starting to tighten and wrap around the ghost's spirit form, trapping it in place.

With a sudden burst of strength, Lina managed to break free. She grabbed the little girl and ran out of the basement, the ghost's screams echoing in her ears.

Over the next few days, Lina investigated the history of the orphanage, and discovered that it had been built on the site of an old cemetery. She knew now that the ghost of the founder had been using the children as a way to harness their energy and stay alive beyond the realm.

With the help of the government, she managed to rescue all the children from the orphanage and had the building demolished. She made sure to exercise the grounds before leaving, ensuring that the orphanage would never be rebuilt, and the ghost of the founder would be at rest forever. Lina knew that the memory of the orphanage would forever haunt her, but she also knew that she had done the right thing - and that the children would forever be grateful for her bravery.

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