The Curse of Setan Budeg

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It was a dark and stormy night when four friends decided to visit the abandoned house at the edge of town. The house had been abandoned for years, and rumors had spread about strange noises and sightings within its walls. Despite the warning from the townsfolk, they were determined to explore the haunted house.

As they approached the house, they noticed that it looked even more creepy and decrepit than they had imagined. The roof was caved in, and the windows were boarded up. The front door was ajar, creaking in the wind. The friends hesitated for a moment, but their curiosity got the better of them, and they went inside.

The air was musty, and the floorboards creaked under their feet. Dust covered everything, and cobwebs hung from the ceiling. The friends explored the first few rooms, but they found nothing of interest. As they headed up the stairs, they heard an eerie chanting coming from one of the rooms on the second floor.

"What is that sound?" one of the friends asked nervously.

"I don't know," another replied, "But it's coming from that room over there."

They approached the door cautiously, and then pushed it open to reveal a room covered in strange symbols and pictures. In the center of the room, there was a statue of a twisted, demonic figure with three heads and six arms. The chanting grew louder, and they realized that it was coming from the statue.

Suddenly, the statue's eyes lit up, and it spoke in a deep, raspy voice.

"Who dares enter my sanctuary?" it boomed.

The friends were frozen in fear, unable to move or speak. The curse of Setan Budeg had been awakened.

The friends tried to leave the house, but they found that the door was locked. They were trapped with the cursed statue, and they knew they had to find a way out before it was too late.

As they searched for an escape, they heard strange noises and saw fleeting images of terrifying creatures in the shadows. They were being haunted by the curse of Setan Budeg, and they knew that they would never be able to escape it.

One of the friends, a young woman named Sari, started to act strangely. She began to speak in tongues and convulse uncontrollably. The others tried to help her, but their attempts were futile. Her body twisted and contorted, until she became completely still.

"She's dead," one of the friends said.

But then, Sari's eyes opened, and she stood up. Her eyes were black, and her voice was not her own. She spoke in the same deep, raspy voice that had come from the statue.

"You cannot escape the curse," she said, "It will follow you, no matter where you go."

The friends tried to leave the house, but they found that the door was locked. They were trapped with the cursed statue, and they knew they had to find a way out before it was too late.

Desperate to break the curse, the friends decided to confront the statue. They believed that if they destroyed it, the curse would be lifted, and they would be free.

They approached the statue, and they could feel the intense power emanating from it. The cursed creature watch them approached with a stoic, unnerving demeanor. Suddenly, it conjured up a deadly attack, and the friends were thrown against the walls in a blinding explosion of energy.

They coughed and spluttered, trying to gather their wits as the cursed creature loomed above them. They tried to repel its attacks but it seemed as if the creature was immune to all their attempts.

In a final surge of brute force, with their very lives on the line, the friends charged at the creature and managed to destroy it with a powerful attack of their own. The curse lifted, and they were relieved to find that they were finally free.

They left the haunted house and never returned, vowing to never speak of the curses which manifested that night.

But they could not shake the feeling that they were being followed, and that the curse of Setan Budeg was still with them, even after they had broken it.

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