The Curse of Kuntilanak I

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The sun was setting over the village of Kampung Mawar, casting long, eerie shadows over the streets. The air was thick with humidity, making it hard to breathe. As a group of teenagers walked along the village path, they heard a scream coming from an old hut at the edge of the village. They quickly ran towards it to investigate.

"Did you guys hear that?" asked Andi, the leader of the group.

"I heard it," said Wati, "It sounded like a scream."

"Let's go check it out," said Budi, "It could be someone in trouble."

They approached the hut cautiously, their hearts pounding. They hesitated for a moment before Budi pushed the door open. They were met with darkness and the stench of decay. As they walked inside, they could feel something watching them from the shadows.

"Hello? Anyone in here?" asked Andi.


Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming from the corner of the room. They turned their flashlights towards it and saw a figure standing in the corner. It was a woman, with long black hair and a torn white dress.

"Who are you?" Andi asked, shining his flashlight towards the figure.

The woman did not respond, but instead started to approach them slowly. They could see her face now, pale and ghostly. Suddenly, she let out a high-pitched shriek that echoed throughout the hut, causing the teenagers to freeze in fear.

"What the hell is that?" yelled Budi, backing away.

"It's a kuntilanak," whispered Wati, "We need to get out of here, now."

As they turned to run out, they found that the door was now closed, and they couldn't get it open. The kuntilanak was coming closer, her eyes gleaming with a malevolent intensity.

"We have to find another way out," said Andi, frantically searching the room. "There has to be a way out of here."

As they searched the room, they found a trapdoor in the floor that led to a hidden room underneath the hut. They quickly climbed down into the room, but to their horror, they found it was filled with decaying corpses.

"Please, let us out of here," begged Wati, "We'll do anything."

The kuntilanak's voice echoed through the room, "You brought this upon yourselves, by coming here without permission."

Suddenly, the floorboards above them began to creak. They could hear the kuntilanak's footsteps getting closer.

"Please, just let us go," begged Budi, tears streaming down his face.

The kuntilanak's laughter filled the room, "I'll let you leave, but only if you take my curse with you."

The teenagers could feel her cold breath on their necks as she whispered a curse into their ears. Suddenly, the trapdoor opened, and they could see the light of the setting sun coming through. They climbed out of the room and ran towards the village.

As they emerged from the hut, they saw that the village was deserted. Everyone was gone, replaced by a ghostly mist. The streets were silent, except for the sound of their own footsteps.

"What happened to the village?" asked Wati.

"I don't know," said Andi, "But we have to get out of here before it's too late."

They ran towards the edge of the village, but they found that they couldn't leave. The whole village was surrounded by a wall of impenetrable mist.

"We're trapped," said Budi, frantically.

As they looked around, they could see the kuntilanak standing on the roof of the hut, her eyes fixed on them. They knew that they were cursed, and that they would never be able to leave the village again. The only thing they could do was wait for the kuntilanak to claim their souls.

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