The Haunted Restaurant of Margonda

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"Hey, have you heard of that restaurant in Margonda, Depok?" said Rani to her friends, sitting in the backyard of their boarding house.

"No, what restaurant?" asked Vina, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"The one that used to be a place for ritual or 'pesugihan,' " replied Rani. "The previous owner performed rituals to enrich himself, but he sacrificed his entire family in the process."

Vina was intrigued and asked, "Is the restaurant still there?"

"Yes," said Rani. "It's been abandoned for years, but people say it's still cursed. There are few visitors, and those who dare to enter never return the same."

The girls decided to explore the restaurant the next day. As they walked through the doors, they could feel the heaviness of the air, a sense of dread that lingered in every corner. The tables were empty, and the chairs were dusty, as if no one had sat there in years.

"I don't like this place," said Vina, shivering. "It feels like someone's watching us."

Rani tried to brush it off with a laugh, "Don't be silly, Vina. It's just an old restaurant."

The girls walked around, examining the various rooms. They found a small altar in the back; with offerings of fruits, flowers, and incense still left from the previous owner.

Suddenly, the doors slammed shut, causing the girls to scream in fright. They tried to push the doors open, but it was as if they were glued shut.

Rani noticed a strange inscription on the wall that she hadn't seen before, written in ancient Javanese script. She whispered the words out loud, not realizing that they were the very words that had been used by the previous owner during his rituals.

As she spoke the last word, the doors creaked open, and a gust of wind blew through the room. Vina was shaking with fear, but Rani's curiosity had taken hold, and she decided to investigate further.

They continued wandering, until they reached a room with an old mirror. Rani was drawn to it, and when she looked into the mirror, she saw a reflection of the previous owner's wife staring back at her, her eyes filled with sadness and despair.

Suddenly, the girls were seized by an unseen force, pulling them towards the mirror. They screamed as they saw their reflections morphing into twisted, grotesque versions of themselves.

In the end, Rani and Vina were never found. Some say, that the spirits of the pesugihan have trapped them in a never-ending cycle of horror, while others claim their souls were claimed by the devil, the price to be paid for entering the sacred space of the pesugihan.

From that day on, the restaurant has remained abandoned, a place shrouded in mystery and fear. The strange sounds and whispers that come from the building are said to be the ghosts of the previous owner and his family, haunting the place where they had met their tragic end.

The pesugihan restaurant is a reminder of the deadly consequences of greed and the lengths some people will go to achieve their desires. A warning to all those who try to tamper with the supernatural that there will be grave consequences for their actions.

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