The Haunted Longhouse

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At the edge of a rural village in Kalimantan, stands an old longhouse. The villagers seldom talk about the building, as it is said to be cursed. The stories say that the longhouse was once home to a prominent family, but some terrible event caused their sudden disappearance, leaving only the ghosts of their past behind.

Sofia, a young journalist, was intrigued by these rumors. She had taken an interest in the village's local history and stories, and was eager to investigate the abandoned longhouse.

As she walked through the overgrown grass and weeds that surrounded the longhouse, she could feel an eerie presence, something intangible yet menacing. The building was sagging, the roofs nearly collapsing. The front doors creaked as she pushed them open, and entered the dark, decayed interior.

She could feel the eyes of the many spirits on her, watching her every move. As she walked through the long hallway, Sofia was overcome by an oppressive feeling; it felt as though she was being watched by an unseen force.

The longhouse was silent, too quiet for comfort. Sofia had the sensation that she was not alone. She walked towards the main hall, her footsteps echoing through the dimly lit passageways.

Suddenly, she heard a disembodied voice that seemed to whisper her name. She turned around, but there was nobody there. The echo of the voice still sounded, filling every corner of the desolate longhouse.

Sofia decided to investigate the main hall. As she pushed open the door, she was greeted by the sight of a disused altar, adorned with offerings of food and incense. Near the altar, she saw the silhouette of a figure, a woman with long hair, facing away from her.

She hesitated for a moment, then approached the figure. When she came close, the woman turned around, revealing a face that was blotchy and pale. Blood dripped from her eyes, and Sofia could see a gaping wound in her chest, the wound where a spear had pierced through.

The ghostly figure then began to speak, her voice tinged with anguish and regret. “I am the matriarch of this old longhouse. My family and all the inhabitants of this house were massacred in cold blood by invading enemies. Our spirits are trapped here, unable to pass on.”

Sofia listened carefully, moved by the tragic story. She decided that she would help the spirits to find peace. She walked through the longhouse, looking for clues to what had happened. She found old artifacts, weapons, and bone fragments littered throughout the halls.

As she dug deeper, she discovered a hidden room in the basement, filled with human skulls and human remains. It was the horrific scene of a mass killing that had taken place, an act of violence that had forever stained the longhouse's walls with blood.

Sofia had found the reason for the spirits' unrest. She brought it to light, exposing the secrets of the tragic past, hoping that the truth would set their spirits free.

The villagers later burnt down the longhouse, no longer able to bear the weight of its dark past.

Sofia, however, left the village feeling a sense of satisfaction. The spirits of the family had found their peace, moving on from the haunted longhouse and onto the world beyond.

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