The Ghost of the Old Mansion

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Lia had always been fascinated by the abandoned mansion at the edge of town. The old building had been empty for years, and rumors circulated that it was cursed.

One day, Lia decided to explore the mansion with a group of her friends. As they walked through the creaky old doors, they could hear the wind howling outside. The interior was covered in cobwebs, and the air was thick with dust.

As they explored the mansion, they felt a strange presence watching them. It was as if something was following them, hiding in the shadows.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming from upstairs. It sounded like someone was walking around, even though there was nobody there.

"Who's there?" called out Lia's friend, Tia.

There was no response, but the footsteps continued. They grew louder and more claustrophobic.

Suddenly, they heard a voice, a ghostly whisper that seemed to come from the walls.

"This is my house," it whispered, its voice filled with rage. "Go away!"

Lia and her friends froze, their hearts pounding with fear.

They knew that the mansion was haunted, but they didn't expect to hear a voice threatening them.

As they tried to leave, the doors slammed shut and they were trapped inside. The room grew colder and colder, and they could see their breath in front of them.

Suddenly, they heard a blood-curdling scream coming from upstairs. It sounded like someone was being tortured.

Lia and her friends tried to escape, but they found that the doors were locked from the outside.

"I can't take this anymore!" cried out Tia.

Suddenly, they saw a figure, a woman, appear in front of them. She was translucent, and they could see through her to the other side.

"Who are you?" Lia asked.

The woman just stared at them, her eyes full of hatred. She began to move toward them, her hands reaching out as if to grab them.

"Go away!" she screamed. "This is my house, not yours!"

Lia and her friends screamed, but there was no one there to hear them. They were trapped, and they knew it.

Suddenly, the doors creaked open, and they ran outside, gasping for air. They were alive, but shaken by the experience.

As they looked back, they could see the ghost of the woman standing in the window, watching them. Her eyes seemed to follow them as they made their way home.

From that point on, nobody dared to enter the old mansion again. The ghost of the woman continued to haunt the place, speaking to those brave enough to listen to her warning.

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