The Haunted House at Jalan Anggrek

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It was a beautiful day in Jakarta when four friends, Dinda, Tama, Aldo, and Ryo decided to explore the rumored haunted house at Jalan Anggrek. They had heard all kinds of stories about the house, including the fact that it had been abandoned for years since a tragic incident happened where the family that lived there was brutally murdered. Tama had heard that the house was cursed and that those who entered would never come out alive.

As they approached the house, Dinda suggested that they turn back as they were committing a grave mistake by entering it, but Tama and Aldo were determined to go through with their plan. They quickly found a way to break in through a broken window at the back of the house.

Upon entering the house, they were greeted with a feeling of coldness and dread that sent chills down their spines. As they walked through the first floor, they noticed that everything remained in place, as if the family had just disappeared. The furniture, the family portraits, even the food remained untouched on the dining table.

Suddenly, they heard a faint whisper coming from upstairs. They froze, unsure of what to do and stood still for what felt like an eternity. Ryo broke the silence and suggested they go upstairs to investigate. As they made their way up the stairs, they noticed an eerie feeling growing stronger by the step.

As they reached the second floor, they noticed that a small door that led to the attic. The door creaked open and suddenly, they heard the loud creaking of the floorboards. It was as if something was walking on them. Tama suggested they back away and leave the house, but Ryo convinced the group that they had come too far, and they needed to figure out what was causing the noise.

As they made their way into the attic, they saw what looked like a ghostly apparition of the family that had lived there, dressed in bloodied clothes, sitting at a table crowded with old dolls. They stared back at the teenagers with blank expressions and motionless bodies.

Tama screamed and ran down the stairs, with the other three following close behind. As they reached the first floor, they heard the same faint whisper coming from behind the walls. They realized that they had fallen into a trap and that leaving the house was impossible.

Ryo suggested they stick together and find a way out. But as they continued, strange things started to happen. The furniture would move on its own, the pictures would change from the pictures of the family to twisted figures, and the dolls would disappear and reappear in different areas of the house.

The whispers got louder and turned from murmurs to clear voices that spoke to them, yet no one could be seen. The fear was so palpable that they started to lose track of time, and hope slowly dissipated with every passing second.

Suddenly, they heard a loud screeching noise that pierced through their ears. They took cover under a nearby sofa in the living room. But the screeching noise didn't stop and seemed to be getting closer as if something was moving towards them. They screamed in terror as they noticed a bloodied hand coming out of a wall.

As they tried to crawl away as quickly as possible, Aldo got caught on a piece of wood and couldn't move. Dinda screamed and tried to pull him out, but it was too late. The bloodied hand had reached him, and the rest of his body was pulled into the wall.

Ryo, Dinda, and Tama ran as fast as they could. The whispers turned into laughter as they ran through the house. Suddenly, they all heard a voice clearly say "You should've never come here. Now you're ours."

As they exited the house, they realized that it was no longer daylight outside, and the street was unrecognizable. They had been trapped in the haunted house for what felt like an eternity.

From that day on, no one ever dared to enter the house again. Those who walked past the house would hear whispers and laughter coming from it, and some would even see bloodied hands protruding from the walls. The house was forever known as the haunted house of Jalan Anggrek, and it was a story that would be retold for many years to come.

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