Rumah Tingkat (Two-Story House)

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The sun had set hours ago, but Dewi was still at the office. She had to finish a report for her boss. She knew she wouldn't make it home before midnight again. Dewi sighed heavily as she gathered her things and left her desk.

"Hey, you're still here?" a voice called out from behind her.

Dewi turned to see one of her coworkers, Rani, walking towards her.

"Yeah, I have to finish this report. You heading out now?" Dewi asked.

Rani nodded her head and smiled before saying, "Yeah, I am going to take the bus home, so you don't have to worry about me. But who will you go home with?"

Dewi thought for a moment before replying, "I think I'll just get a Grab. My husband is out of town, so he can't pick me up."

Rani nodded her head understandingly and started to walk away, but then she paused. "Hey, Dewi, do you remember that old two-story house on Jalan Merbabu? The one that people say is haunted?"

Dewi raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, I remember hearing about it, but what does that have to do with anything?"

Rani stepped closer to Dewi and whispered, "Well, I heard a rumor that the ghost of the previous owner, who died there, still haunts that house. But, if you're brave enough, go check it out for yourself."

Dewi shuddered at the idea and laughed nervously, "I don't believe in ghosts, and even if I did, I wouldn't be stupid enough to go to that house alone in the dead of night."

Rani chuckled and parted ways with Dewi, but the idea of the haunted house stuck with her. As she waited for her Grab ride, Dewi couldn't shake the feeling of unease that crept over her. Suddenly, she regretted the decision to stay late.

Her Grab arrived, a sleek sedan pulling up to the curb. She got in and was heading towards her home when the driver asked, "Where is your house, Ma'am? Are you going to a very old two-story building?"

Dewi froze and asked in a shaky voice, "W-what do you mean?"

The driver then went on to explain, "I am sorry, Ma'am, but I have to ask. Many people ask for this kind of service, but I have never taken a passenger to that old house before. That's why I'm asking now."

Dewi took a deep breath and replied, "No, I am not going to that place. I am heading to the apartment blocks on Jalan Kebon Jeruk."

The driver smiled and said, "OK then, here we go."

Dewi let out a sigh of relief and tried to forget about the haunted house. But as she walked into her empty home, she felt like she was being watched.

She checked every room, turned on every light, and even double-checked that all the doors and windows were locked. Everything seemed fine, so she took a shower and went to bed.

As she lay there, trying to sleep, she heard noises from downstairs. She tried to ignore them, but they kept getting louder.

With a trembling voice, Dewi muttered to herself, "Maybe it's just my imagination."

Just as she started to drift off, she heard a creaking sound. She sat up, her heart pounding in her chest, and looked around the darkened room.

Then she saw it, a shadowy figure lurking in the corner of her room. She screamed and ran towards the door, but it slammed shut before she could escape.

The next morning, neighbors found Dewi's cold body lying on the floor of her bedroom. The police investigated, but they could not find any evidence of foul play.

However, several locals who had heard Dewi's story thought that she had encountered the ghost of the previous owner of the two-story house on Jalan Merbabu, who still haunted the house to this day.

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