The Haunting of Rumah Kost

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The room was dark and damp, with the musty smell of old furniture and dusty corners. Nia had just moved into her boarding house or ‘rumah kost’, as the locals called it. The room was spacious, but there was an eerie feeling that crept over her skin. She entered the room carrying a small suitcase. A single bed lay at one end of the room, a wardrobe at the other, while a desk and a rickety chair were placed in the middle.

She placed her suitcase on the bed. "Well, I guess this is my new home," she whispered to herself. She had just transferred to a new school and was hopeful about her new life in this new town.

As she started to unpack, she heard a faint whisper from the wardrobe. She turned around and scanned the empty room. She shook her head, thinking it was only her imagination. That's when she heard it again. This time the whisper was louder.

She walked over to the wardrobe and opened it slowly. To her surprise, there was nothing there. She shrugged it off and went back to unpacking.

Later that night, Nia was awakened by the sound of someone scratching at her window. She jumped out of bed, frightened. She slowly walked towards the window and opened the curtains. There was no one there.

Suddenly, she felt an icy breath on the back of her neck. She spun around, but no one was there. She went back to her bed, her heart pounding in her ears. She tried to go back to sleep, but she couldn’t.

Days passed, and the strange occurrences continued. Every time she heard footsteps in the hallway, when she opened the door, no one was there. Her clothes and things kept moving and getting misplaced.

One night, she heard loud banging on her door. She jumped out of bed and opened it, but there was no one there. She looked down and saw a small red handprint on the doorknob. She tried to scrub it off, but it wouldn't budge.

She realized that something was wrong. She couldn't take it anymore. She decided it was time to confront the other boarders about the strange things happening. She knocked on their doors one by one, but no one wanted to talk about it.

The only response she got was silence until she reached the last door, the one at the end of the hall. A soft voice replied. “What do you want?" Nia hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Have you noticed anything strange happening here? Something supernatural?”

The voice on the other side of the door replied, " Do you believe in ghosts and spirits, Nia?"

Nia was taken aback by this question. She paused and replied," No, I don’t believe in them, but I can't explain the strange things that have been happening to me since I moved in. Can you?"

The voice of the boarder whispered, "You are not alone, Nia. This house may look normal from the outside, but it holds many secrets. Many people have been tormented by the spirits that reside here."

Nia was confused, but her curiosity grew. She asked, "Who are you? And why do you know so much about this place?"

The voice responded with a hint of resignation in its tone, "I am the spirit of a girl who was murdered in this house. My body is buried beneath the floorboard in your room."

Nia froze, a sense of dread creeping up inside her. It all made sense now, the mysterious whispering from the wardrobe, the cold breath on the back of her neck, and the strange handprint on the door. She asked the voice, "What do you want from me?"

The boarder’s ghostly voice whispered, "Please help me find my killer so that I may finally rest in peace. He is still out there. In this house.”

From that moment on, Nia was plagued by victims of the murderer's spirit seeking her help. Over the next few months, she became obsessed with finding the killer, piecing together clues from the long-dead girl’s apparitions. It was only with the help of a psychic that she was able to identify the murderer and put his restless spirit to rest.

Rumah Kost still stands today, even though many people believe it's still haunted by the restless spirits of its unfortunate victims. Every evening, as the sun sets over the house, the strange sounds and whispers start again. And who knows who the next victim will be.

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