The Cursed Painting

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At the heart of Jakarta, in a beautiful villa stands a painting. The painting is a portrait of a woman, wearing a long, flowing dress, with long black hair cascading down her back. Her eyes follow you everywhere, staring at the viewer with a mixture of sadness and longing. The painting has been there for ages, but nobody quite knows where it came from or who painted it.

One day, a wealthy businessman, Dharma, purchased the villa and the painting. He was fascinated by the beauty of the portrait and decided to hang it in his mansion.

His wife, Agnes, didn't like the painting. She said it made her feel uneasy, and she would often ask her husband to have it removed. But Dharma was adamant; he loved the painting and refused to take it down.

As time passed, strange things began to happen in the villa. Doors would open and close on their own, and Agnes would hear footsteps late at night. In the darkest hours, she could hear a faint whispering voice.

Agnes was convinced that the painting was cursed. She tried to tell her husband, but he simply brushed it off as superstition.

One night, Dharma was working late in his office, when he felt a sudden chill run down his spine. He looked up and saw the painting, and he was filled with dread. Suddenly, the painting came alive, and the woman stepped out of the frame. Her ghostly figure then floated towards Dharma, her eyes filled with an unnatural light.

The next day, Dharma's employee, John, arrived at the villa to check on his boss. He was shocked to find Dharma lying on the floor, lifeless. Next to him was the cursed painting, its eyes glinting with an evil aura.

John was horrified. He took the painting and tried to destroy it, but it was indestructible. No matter what he did, the painting remained unscathed and started to haunt him as well.

He tried to leave it behind, but the painting somehow always found its way back to him. He started to become obsessed with the painting. It was as if the painting had taken over his mind and soul.

He tried to seek help from local healers and shamans, but none of them could break the curse. The painting had its hold over him, and John was helpless to stop it. He was doomed to be cursed by the woman in the painting forever.

This incident was a warning to all who dare to tamper with the supernatural world. Sometimes dark forces are at work, and it's best to leave them alone. Darkness is always lurking beyond the veil of light. Beware of what you invite into your life, for it may come with a terrifying price.

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