The Curse of Tumpang Cemetery

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The scorching heat of the sun beat down on the dry, dusty road that lead to Tumpang Cemetery. For as long as the locals could remember, it had been the final resting place for the people of their village, and the place was avoided by those who knew the stories of the restless dead that haunted the graveyard. But it was precisely the reason that drew a group of teenagers towards it.

“Come on guys, we’ve got to check this place out. Don’t be scared,” said Yudi, the most adventurous of them all.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea? The stories that I heard about this place, they’re terrible,” said Dara, her voice trembling.

“Don’t be a chicken, Dara. We have been talking about this for weeks and now that we’re here, you want to back out?” added Yudi.

“Alright, let’s just make it quick,” said Mira, taking a step forward.

They walked cautiously through the overgrown weeds and through the stone markers, looking for the oldest graves in the hope of finding something interesting. It wasn't long before they stumbled across a small, grave that looked centuries old, surrounded by overgrown trees and shrubs that obscured its view.

“This place gives me the creeps,” whispered Dara to the others.

“Keep your voices low, we don’t want to stir anything up,” cautioned Yudi.

As they stood around the ancient tombstone, they noticed an inscription carved roughly in the stone: “Beware, the curse of Tumpang Cemetery.” Intrigued and excited by their discovery, the teenagers decided to push through the fear that gripped them and explore the cemetery further.

As they walked deeper into the cemetery, the trees grew thicker and the eerie silence became more ominous. Suddenly, Yudi halted in his tracks and beckoned the others to come closer.

“Hey, look at this! There’s a trapdoor covered in moss over here.”

The group gathered around the trapdoor, peered down into the murky darkness until suddenly, a sound echoed from below.

The trapdoor opened with a rusty creak, and a gust of cold air filled their lungs. The stairs ahead disappeared into the gloomy depths and the stench of rot and decay filled their nostrils. Glimpsing a flicker of light deep within the stairwell, the group cautiously made their way down.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, they found themselves in a large underground cellar filled with bones and human remains. Walls were adorned with symbols of the dark arts and hex, leading deep into the bowels of the earth. As they were looking at the symbols, Mira felt a cold hand brush past her hair, and a soft whisper echo around the chamber. She let out a blood-chilling scream, then another, and another. The others tried to calm her down, but it was too late.

The curse of Tumpang Cemetery had already claimed its first victim.

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