The Lost Doll

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Tina was playing outside her house in a quiet cul-de-sac, surrounded by tall buildings. She loved playing with her dolls, but she always wished for a new one. One day, while playing outside, she saw a box left on the sidewalk. Approaching the box, she was amazed to find a beautiful doll inside. It was dressed in a red gown and had a face so perfect it looked like it had been crafted by a master artist.

Excited to show her new doll to her friends, she quickly ran back into her house, thinking of nothing else but playing with her beloved toy. But as the night fell, Tina woke up, hearing strange noises in her bedroom. She sat up in her bed, looking around, but saw nothing unusual.

Suddenly, she heard a voice whispering her name. It came from the doll, and Tina realized with fear that the doll was alive. She tried to scream, but the voice coming from the doll's tiny mouth choked her cries for help.

For the next few nights, Tina was plagued by strange occurrences. She would wake up to find her doll had moved on its own, coming closer to her bed every night. The only sound in the room would be the faint whisper of a voice coming from the doll.

She couldn't take it anymore. One day, she took the doll and ran out of her house screaming, not daring to look back. She ran to the end of the cul-de-sac, which led to an old cemetery. She put the doll down on the grass, hoping to leave it there, never to see it again.

Suddenly, she saw a shadowy figure coming towards her from the cemetery gate. As it approached, she could see it was wearing a long, flowing dress, just like the doll she had left behind.

As the figure got closer, Tina realized it was the ghost of a young girl who had died in an accident years ago. She was holding the lost doll in her arms.

"Please, Tina, take the doll back. I can't rest until I find a suitable owner," the ghostly figure pleaded.

Unwilling to believe the apparition before her, but overcome by sympathy and a sense of duty, Tina took the doll back without saying a word.

When she returned home, Tina placed the doll down, waiting to see if it would move on its own again. To her surprise, the doll remained silent, sitting still, as if it had never come alive.

Tina was puzzled, but also relieved. She went to bed, put the doll back on the shelf, and fell asleep. That's when she heard the familiar voice whispering her name once again.

She woke up, terrified, to find the doll sitting beside her bed, staring at her with lifeless eyes. She tried to move, but she couldn't. She was paralyzed, trapped in her own body. The doll had taken her soul.

The next day, Tina's parents found her lying on the floor, lifeless, with a strange expression on her face. They couldn't explain the cause of death, but they felt an overpowering sense of loss.

The doll was never seen again. Some say it possesses the power to control and take over the souls of those who dare to play with it. Others believe it takes its victims to the realm of the dead, trapped forever in a twilight existence.

Tina's death is a warning to those who seek out strange and mysterious objects without knowing the consequences. Remember, some things may look innocent on the surface, but they may hold the key to unspeakable horrors.

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