The Curse of the Drowned Village

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The sun was beginning to set over the tranquil waters of Lake Toba as a group of six friends made their way to a secluded spot along the shore. They had heard rumors of a drowned village in the lake and decided to go check it out for themselves.

As they approached the water's edge, a sense of unease fell over them. The lake was eerily calm, with no birds or fish in sight. Suddenly, one of the friends, Adi, pointed to a faint outline in the distance.

"There it is! The drowned village!" he exclaimed.

The group stared in awe as they saw the ancient buildings lying at the bottom of the lake, some still intact after all these years. They decided to take a closer look and rented a boat from a nearby village.

As they rowed towards the sunken village, they noticed strange symbols etched into the stones and bricks. Suddenly, they heard a voice whispering from the depths of the water.

"Leave this place now, or face the curse of the drowned village."

The group laughed it off and continued exploring the ruins. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind picked up, stirring the water and causing the boat to rock violently. They tried to row back to shore, but the boat wouldn't budge. It was as if some force was holding them back.

As the night fell, the group realized they were trapped in the middle of the lake. They huddled together, trying to find a way to escape the cursed waters. Suddenly, they heard a faint chanting coming from the depths of the water. The chanting grew louder and louder until the water began to churn and boil.

A figure emerged from the water, its face twisted in anger and its eyes glowing a fiery red. It was the spirit of a long-dead witch, seeking revenge on those who disturbed the peace of the drowned village.

The group screamed in terror as the witch's wrath was unleashed upon them. They tried to fight back, but their weapons were useless against the supernatural powers of the witch. One by one, they were consumed by the curse of the drowned village, their spirits doomed to wander the shores of Lake Toba for all eternity.

Years had passed since the tragic incident at the drowned village. The locals had long warned others not to disturb the peace of the cursed waters, and the legend had become more and more terrifying with each passing year.

But one man, a thrill-seeker from out of town, decided to venture to the lake and explore the ruins. He had heard of the cursed village and thought it was just a hoax to attract more tourists.

As he approached the water, he felt a strange energy pulsing through the air. He ignored it and plunged his hands into the water, determined to uncover the truth.

Suddenly, he heard a voice whispering to him, "Leave this place now, or face the curse of the drowned village."

He laughed it off and continued searching for clues. But before he could find anything of importance, the water around him began to churn and boil.

The figure of the witch emerged, her eyes blazing with fury. The man tried to run, but he was trapped by the supernatural energy of the curse.

The witch's voice echoed through his mind, "You have disturbed the peace of this place. You will never leave here alive."

The man screamed in terror as the witch unleashed her wrath upon him. But unlike the others before him, he fought back with all his might, determined to survive.

After what felt like hours of fighting, the man finally defeated the witch and broke the curse. He made it back to the shore, shaken and exhausted but alive.

But as he looked back at the water, he knew that the curse of the drowned village would live on, haunting the shores of Lake Toba for all eternity.

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