The Haunting of Kuta Beach Hotel

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It was supposed to be a relaxing vacation for Danielle and her friends. They had been planning their beach trip to Bali for months and were excited to finally arrive at their hotel. Kuta Beach Hotel was a five-star resort with all the amenities that they could possibly want. As they entered the lobby, they were greeted by a friendly staff member who checked them in and directed them to their rooms.

As they walked down the hallway to their rooms, Danielle noticed that the atmosphere felt off. It was almost as if the air was thick and heavy. She shook off the feeling and continued walking with her friends. They finally arrived at their rooms, which were spacious and beautifully decorated. They quickly unpacked and changed into their swimsuits to go out and explore the beach.

As they walked towards the beach, they noticed that the hotel was oddly quiet. There were no guests lounging by the pool or playing on the beach. Danielle asked one of the staff members where all the guests were, and she was given a vague response about renovations being done in some areas of the resort.

Undeterred, they continued on to the beach and spent the day swimming and sunbathing. As the sun began to set, they decided to head back to their rooms and freshen up before dinner. That's when things started to get weird.

As they entered their rooms, they noticed that their belongings had been moved around. Danielle's clothes had been thrown on the floor and her friend's makeup had been opened and scattered on the vanity. They brushed it off as a housekeeping mistake and began to get ready for dinner.

During dinner, they noticed that the restaurant was empty, and the food tasted off. As they discussed their concerns about the hotel, they were interrupted by a woman who introduced herself as the hotel manager. She apologized for the lack of guests and the subpar dining experience, but explained that the renovations were causing some disruptions.

After dinner, Danielle and her friends retired to their rooms, but Danielle could not shake off the unsettling feeling that something was wrong. She decided to call her boyfriend back home to vent her frustrations. As they talked, she heard a strange noise in the background. It sounded like a child's laughter.

She brushed it off and continued talking to her boyfriend, but the laughter persisted. Suddenly, Danielle's phone cut off and she was left alone in the dark room. That's when she saw it - a small child standing at the foot of her bed, giggling uncontrollably.

"Who are you?" Danielle asked, her heart racing in her chest.

The child did not respond, but simply continued to giggle.

Danielle tried to get out of bed to turn on the lights, but her body felt heavy and unresponsive. As the child's giggles grew louder, Danielle's fear began to consume her. She closed her eyes and hoped that it was all just a nightmare.

When she opened her eyes again, the child was gone, and Danielle was left alone in her room, covered in sweat and shaking with terror. She knew that something was very wrong with Kuta Beach Hotel and that their relaxing vacation had turned into a nightmare.

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