The House on Jalan Belum Terlambat

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It was a warm evening in Jakarta when Maya got a mysterious invitation to a dinner party at a house on Jalan Belum Terlambat. She had never heard of the street before, but she was intrigued by the invitation, which promised a night of food, drinks, and fun.

Maya arrived at the house, which was a grand, old colonial-style mansion, and was greeted by a man in a black suit. The man led Maya to the dining room, where several other guests were already seated.

There was a man in his fifties in an expensive suit, a woman in her thirties wearing a red dress, and a young couple in their twenties who were holding hands and whispering to each other.

As they began to eat, the conversation turned to the strange circumstances of the invitation. No one seemed to know who had invited them, and they couldn't remember how they had RSVP'd.

Suddenly, the lights flickered, and the room became uncomfortably still.

"Did anyone else feel that?" asked the woman in red.

"I did," said the man in the suit, "It felt like something just flew past us."

The young couple exchanged nervous glances.

As they finished their meal, the conversation turned to the history of the house. The owner, a wealthy businessman, had died under mysterious circumstances, and there were rumors that he had been involved in some sort of black magic.

The group laughed off the rumors, but just then, they heard a loud noise coming from upstairs. It sounded like someone was walking around.

The man in the suit stood up, "I'll go and have a look," he said.

He climbed the stairs, and they heard him calling out, "Hello? Is anyone up here?"

Suddenly, they heard a blood-curdling scream, and then silence. The group rushed up the stairs to see what had happened, but the room was empty.

"Where did he go?" asked Maya.

"I don't know," replied the woman in red, "But we have to find him."

As they searched the house, they heard more strange noises and saw glimpses of something moving in the shadows. They were being haunted by an unknown entity and realized that they were in grave danger.

As they searched the house, they came across a locked door. They opened it to find a room filled with occult books and strange objects. They realized that the owner had been practicing black magic, and that his spirit was still lingering in the house.

Just then, they heard the man in the suit calling out to them from down the hall. They followed his voice, and found him bound and gagged in a room at the end of the hallway.

"We have to get out of here," he said, "I saw something...something that cannot be explained."

As they raced down the hallway, they saw a ghostly figure materialize in front of them. It was the spirit of the owner, and he was seeking revenge on those who had violated his home.

In a final act of desperation, they performed a ritual to banish the spirit from the house. In a burst of light, they were transported outside, and the house was engulfed in flames.

As they stood on the street, they realized that they had narrowly escaped death. They had been invited to the house on Jalan Belum Terlambat to pay homage to the owner's spirit, but they had unknowingly stumbled upon a trap.

The man in the suit turned to Maya, "Thank you for your help," he said, "I owe you my life."

Maya looked at him, "How did you get that invitation anyway?"

The man in the suit hesitated for a moment, "I received it in the mail," he said.

Maya couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story, but she decided to let it go. She had narrowly escaped death, and that was enough for one night.

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