The Dark Waters of Danau Toba

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Jun and Aulia had been friends since childhood. They grew up together in Jakarta and went to the same school. But after graduation, they lost touch for several years. One day, Aulia called Jun out of the blue and asked if he wanted to take a road trip to Danau Toba, a large lake in Northern Sumatra.

Jun agreed, and they set out on their journey, excited to catch up on old times. For the first few days, they had a great time, but when they arrived at Danau Toba, things started to get strange.

As they drove around the lake, they noticed that some of the locals seemed nervous and unwilling to talk about certain subjects. Aulia, being curious, asked one of them what was going on, but he just shook his head and walked away.

As they continued on their journey, they felt like they were being watched. When they arrived at their hotel, Jun and Aulia went to the bar for a drink. A man with a weathered face and dark eyes sat next to them. They struck up a conversation with him, and he told them a terrifying story about Danau Toba.

The man's story began with a tragedy that took place centuries ago. A beautiful woman named Sari had fallen in love with a man from a rival tribe. Their love was forbidden, and they were not allowed to be together. One day, Sari's lover was found dead, and she was blamed for his murder.

As punishment for her crime, Sari was thrown into Danau Toba, where she drowned. But before she died, she placed a curse on the lake. Anyone who entered its waters would be consumed by its dark magic and never return.

Jun and Aulia didn't believe in curses, but they couldn't ignore the strange and unexplainable occurrences that had been happening since their arrival at the lake. They decided to investigate.

They rented a boat and set out onto the lake. For hours, they sailed around, searching for any sign of the curse. The sun began to set, and they were about to give up when they saw a figure in the water.

As they approached, they could see that it was a beautiful woman with long black hair. Her skin was pale and translucent, and she had a distant, otherworldly look in her eyes.

"Aulia, do you see that?" Jun asked, pointing to the woman in the water.

"Yes," Aulia replied, "I see her. What should we do?"

Jun steered the boat closer to the woman. They could hear her singing a haunting melody, and they could feel the power of the curse washing over them. Suddenly, the woman disappeared under the water, and the boat was surrounded by darkness.

In the darkness, Jun and Aulia felt like they had lost their way. They couldn't see anything and were lost at sea. They thought they were cursed by the lake and had no way out.

But they soon saw a glimmer of light, and they followed it until they reached the shore. When they landed, they saw a group of locals waiting for them. They told Jun and Aulia that they had been cursed by the lake and that they would never leave.

For days, Jun and Aulia were trapped in the village. They could feel the curse slowly consuming them, and they knew that they had to find a way out before it was too late.

One night, they sneaked out of their hut and made their way to the lake. They knew if they could break the curse by finding Sari, the woman who had placed the curse on the lake, they might have a chance to escape.

They dived into the lake and swam as deep as they could. Soon they saw the glow of a light in the distance. They swam towards it and soon they were in front of a dark figure. It was Sari. She seemed to have been waiting for them, sensing their presence.

In a desperate attempt to break the curse, Jun and Aulia asked Sari for her forgiveness. They begged for her to lift the curse so they could leave and forget the horrors they have seen.

In a soft, whispering voice, Sari lifted the curse from Jun and Aulia. The lake was free of the curse and happy once again.

After their harrowing ordeal was over, Jun and Aulia decided to leave the village and head back home. They never spoke of the curse again, but they did discuss how wonderful it was to be reunited and that Danau Toba had an otherworldly beauty that could stir the soul. They didn't feel like they had been cursed by the lake but rather, felt honored to have stood atop its dark waters and felt its pull.

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