Chapter 31

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Y/n's POV

"-n Y/n, Y/n. HEY Y/N GET UP!!!" someone shouted at me, causing me to fall out of my bed in fright. "Lucifer!!!! Stop it!" I groused, stroking my eyes sleepily. "Do you always have to wake up half heaven when you wake Y/n up." Roo rolled her eyes and leaned into my doorframe. "Come on now or Sera will get mad." she grinned before swinging out of the doorframe to start walking. Lucifer and I quickly flew after her. "Hey Y/n do you want to see my new invention?" my brother grinned excitedly at me. I immediately nodded just as excitedly and he pulled me away from Roo, giggling. "Y/n! Lucifer! Ugh." I heard her call out in annoyance, but she made no move to follow us like she usually did. Lucifer grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to the ground so I could stand and watch him. He quickly flew away from me and set up a small box. He created a small flame in his index finger which he used to light a string and quickly ran to me. Many inhabitants of heaven came to see what the clever angel had invented again. Suddenly there was a loud bang followed by beautiful colors in the sky. "I call this invention!!!" he created tension-building drums next to him. "Firework!!" He announced and everyone who stood around the fireworks looked up at it with sparkling eyes. "Wow Luci... That looks beautiful.." I mumbled a little as I went towards it. I wanted to touch it but my brother gently grabbed my hand and brought me back to the ground. "Ah ah ah. Don't touch it or you'll burn yourself." He warned me worriedly but grinned with a mischievous grin. Now I looked at him in shock. "You can hurt yourself?? Lucifer if Sera finds out about it then." "What's going on out here?!" said the one mentioned as if on cue and flew out of the big tower. "Lucifer what is that!!" she asked, dumbfounded and completely shocked. There were little bits of confetti and ashes all over the floor. "Fireworks Sera!! Did you see how amazing it looked??" he asked with a grin but I knew she didn't like it at all. She exhaled loudly before answering. "Lucifer we can no longer tolerate such a threat to heaven. If something like that happens again there will be consequences." She warned him seriously which made him look shocked. "But Sera! Everyone else liked it!" he contradicted her and the other high angels flew to us. "But we are the protectors of heaven. We cannot expose the inhabitants to danger just because it looks nice." one of them began, to which everyone nodded in unison. I slowly flew next to my brother and was also getting an angry look by Sera. "And you Y/n! You're sensible. Hold your brother back a little more." She snapped at me, making Lucifer growl. "Leave Y/n out of it Sera! Why can't you have a little fun? Everything I do just scares and unsettles you!" Lucifer complained. "This, Luicfer, is no fun!!! Stop your foolish behavior and follow us now." she said and flew up again. Lucifer and I flew after her where Roo also looked at us angrily. "Why do you two always have to start trouble with the bigwigs!?" she shouted at us angrily. "Not now Roo.." I said calmly looking at Lucifer. He stopped at the big window and flew away in a huff. "Lucifer!!" I shouted ready to fly after him but Roo stopped me. She grabbed my wrist and looked at me pleadingly. "We have to go with the others Y/n. Please. Don't get yourself into so much trouble. He'll come  back again, don't worry." She said sensitively placing her hand on my cheek. I nodded sadly and we went to the great powers of heaven. They stood around the large energy ball and looked again at what was going on on their new project. They have sent life to a planet. Adam and Lilith with whom they wanted to create a new, peaceful empire of life. I looked at the two so-called people, fascinated by how quickly they got along. However, they always made each other worse. Adam wanted control over Lilith so she ran away from him. "What is she doing?!" said one of the guards. "She consistently makes bad decisions. Sera, we should replace Lilith. She'll only cause us trouble!" Roo said seriously. Sera looked thoughtfully at the ball and before she could answer, I intervened. "No! Let's give her a little more time! Please Sera. She'll definitely have to get used to him first. Lilith will get it under control." I asked Sera and she nodded. "Good, she gets another chance." she said and we continued to see what was happening on earth. Suddenly she shouted something that made me and everyone in the room look shocked. "Lucifer!!! Lucifer!!!" she shouted towards the sky and i
I couldn't believe my ears. Did Lucifer secretly come to Earth without tell us something about it? Without telling ME anything about it. "Who is she calling?" someone asked confused and I looked worriedly over at Roo, who was more than just angry at our brother. "I can't believe what an idiot!" She muttered to me angrily. Oh please don't do anything now, stupid brother... I thought folding my hands in front of my chest. We saw Lucifer land angrily on the ground behind Lilith. "Hey." He said to get her attention and she happily hugged him. When suddenly they started kissing and licking each other hard. Roo covered my eyes in shock. I shouldn't see something so sinful. The guards, distraught, turned off the orb and sent me and Roo out of the room. "This traitor!!! How can it be that despite us always warning him, he still pulls such shit." she complained angrily. "Roo please come down... He'll have an explanation for-" "Explanation??? Y/n, we just watched it live!! He just made Lilith sin in front of us!! How can you after all this still be on his side?!" she asked angrily, making me quiet. Late that evening I lay wide awake in my bed and thought about the day. "Shit Lucifer why!!?" I just said frustrated to myself. I slapped my hands on my forehead and swore under my breath when I suddenly heard shouts from outside. I stood up to look out of the window and saw the great angels urging my brother toward the great Golden Gate. I opened my eyes in shock and flew out my window as quickly as I could to Lucifer. I stood between the guards and Lucifer and glared at them. "What are you doing with my brother!!!?" I shouted angrily and they looked at me in shock. Roo pushed through the guards to take my hands in hers. "Roo, say something!?" I snapped at her, horrified. She pulled me over to the Guardians' side. "Roo.. Don't you want to help Lucifer?" I asked shocked but she didn't answer me. She just pulled me further and further away from the others. "No!" I said and tore my hand out of hers. I wanted to go but she grabbed me again and I pulled away again. I quickly unfolded my wings and wanted to get back to my brother, but before I could fly far, Roo pounced on me. We both hit the ground with her on top of me so I couldn't move forward. I desperately tried to pull myself across the floor but with the extra weight on me I couldn't move forward. "Lucifer!!!!" "Y/n!!!" he called back to me. "NO!!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks. I knew what they wanted to do. They wanted to banish him. My brother. No, they can't do that. "ROO LET GO OF ME!!!" I shouted screaming. She put her hand over my mouth so I wouldn't wake the other residents. I was mad. Angry at the guards and my sister for simply allowing our brother to be banished. I forcefully rammed my elbow into her side before squeezing out from under her and flying towards my brother, but he was already banished. He was no longer in heaven but was now in another place. In hell. I screamed hurt and looked at the red planet where my brother was now. "Y/n." someone said behind me. I didn't answer but simply collapsed on the floor before losing consciousness.

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