Chapter 39

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Y/n's POV

A few years passed since my brother was banished from heaven. Roo tried to keep a lot more control over me and made sure that I didn't end up like our brother. "Y/n the next extermination is coming up. Get your weapon and come." The woman said looking at me with a slight smile. However, I looked at one of the fireworks in my hand that Lucifer had hidden. "Today he was banished." I said and barely a second later I heard an annoyed groan. "Don't start that again Y/n. He's a traitor!! A sinner!! Stop acting like he didn't betray you." "Shut up," I growled at her, which made her blink in perplexity. "I'm sorry, what??" She questioned, glaring at me. I unfolded my wings and stood threateningly in front of my sister. "Shut up! Don't ever talk about our brother like that again!" I hissed angrily and she clenched her hands into fists. Her eyes radiated a fire that burned you in agony as soon as you looked into them. "He's not my brother anymore!!" she hissed back and grabbed me by the collar. "You stay here! I'll fly down there and finally put an end to him! I can't watch him driving you crazy!" she said throwing me to the floor and disappearing out the door. "No! Stay away from my BROTHER!" I said and wanted to fly out of my window but I only crashed into a hard golden wall. Roo flew in front of me behind the wall. "I'm sorry Sis, but I don't want you interrupting me. Don't worry, when I get back you won't have to worry about him anymore." With that she flew away with her crew and I pulled my hair in despair. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!!!" I shouted, throwing everything at the wall hoping to destroy it. "Then I don't have to worry anymore." I mimicked her when suddenly something shined at me. I looked at a large tray made of angel silver which I pushed against my bed to form a weapon. "It has to work." I muttered and flew with momentum towards whatever was stopping me from saving my brother. I got through and was happy by doing a few somersaults. "Okay enough babbling, get to hell!" I said reassuringly and quickly flew down into it. I quickly looked around for my siblings and could hear a loud bang. I quickly flew to the bang and saw many angels and my sister standing with her foot on my brother's head.

Lucifer's POV

Roo had simply attacked me and pregnant Lilith to drag me away from her. She brought me to the ground and stood with her foot on my face ready to break it with one movement. "Roo please! I never wanted to hurt you and Y/n!" I said worriedly. She just clicked her tongue in annoyance and shifted her weight slightly onto my head. "Oh you're not making me feel hurt but Y/n! She's constantly crying about you so I'm going to get this problem out of her sight now!!!" Roo grinned crazily down at me, raising her dagger with a laugh. She was about to aim at me when she stopped and let blood come out of her mouth. A silver tip pierced her heart and you could still see it throbbing until the movement stopped and she just fell next to me. Y/n stood still in her piercing pose with her eyes wide open which also made me look shocked. "I said stay away from my brother!" she snapped angrily before Y/n knelt down next to me worried. With her head in the crook of my neck, she pushed my head close to her. "Luci... I'm so sorry! I couldn't stop them all Roo didn't help me and... ROO!!" She said, shocked, as if she hadn't realized that she stabbed Roo. "No! What have I done..." she breathed in shock, pulling the staff out of our sister's back. She screamed loudly and when I tried to pull her away from our dead sister, all the angels rushed towards us. They pulled Y/n along harshly and bright light appeared above her. It was so bright that you could hardly see and I had to squint my eyes in pain. Terrible screaming could be heard that deafened my ears. "What are you doing to her!!!" I shouted and wanted to fly into the light, but I couldn't because of my banishment. Y/n was tortured without me being able to do anything and only because she saved me.

Y/n's POV

I screamed my heart out while the many angels plucked out my feathers. When there was hardly anything left on my wings, they all joined together and tore my wings out. They laughed at me with amusement at my pain and threw me out of the light. "Dare you set foot in heaven again you SCUM!!!" it echoed over and over in my head, getting louder and louder. I suddenly woke up and noticed that I was completely sweaty. I was breathing quickly and had to get my heartbeat back under control. I rubbed my eyes, crying. I didn't want to cry but the tears just rolled out. Suddenly my door slammed open and my brother walked into my room grinning happily only to see my crying figure sitting on the bed. "Y/n? Why are you crying??" he asked worriedly coming towards me. Lucifer sat down gently on my bed and looked at me. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my face into his chest. "I just had a dream from.. you know. I remembered the day I killed Roo-.." Lucifer noticed that it was difficult for me to say this so he placed his hand sensitively on my cheek. "It's okay, I understand. Do you want to talk?" he asked me but I shook my head. "It's fine. Like I said, it was just a dream." I giggled wiping the remaining tears from my face and the two of us stood up. "What did you want from me?" I asked as Lucifer opened the door for me and I bumped into someone. "A-Alastor?" I asked confused but then grinned at my brother's annoyed grumbling. "You again." he rolled his eyes, squeezing past us. He wiggled his hand a bit as he walked away from us. "I'll come back later and then I'll tell you." I turned back to Alastor once my brother was out of sight and we calmly walked up to the roof. "And is Vox still mad at you?" Alastor asked, grinning. I shook my head to see his hopes dashed. "Nope, everything cleared up." I grinned with my hands behind my back. Alastor opened the roof door for me and I walked through to sit on the railing. "It's a shame. I thought if he knew I was fucking you he'd totally freak out. Would have been really funny." He crooned, leaning on the railing with his arms, his eyes closed. "Where do these bad words that leave your mouth come from, my dear??!" I asked in mock horror. "Just say you're a bad influence." He grinned teasingly which made me wrinkle my nose. "Yeah, yeah, you have to say that," I grinned, rolling my eyes and looking down at the sinners who were still slaughtering each other. A pair of arms wrapped around me and I relaxed against him. "How about... Don't you want to slowly reconcile with Vox?? For old times' sake???" I grinned slightly behind me where I could only hear the demon laughing in amusement. "I would rather hang myself than reconcile with him." I punched him lightly and turned so that Alastor was now standing between my legs. I played with his coat a bit before looking into his eyes with big googly eyes. "Pleeeeaaase Alastor... what if you do it for me???" I asked with a sweet grin which made him take my face in his hands. "Sweet thing, that won't happen." I felt his grip tighten and his aura darken. "This little ass-kisser is still going to feel me!" He growled in a demon voice making me narrow my eyes. "You want Vix to feel you?" I pouted and he loosened his grip on my cheeks. "Shut it, my pretty. You know hoe i mean it." he chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I pulled him close, rolling my eyes, and we began a stormy kiss in the middle of the roof of the hotel. "You asshole won't harm a antenna on his head!" I murmured under the heated kiss. "Suck his dick if you care about him that much." He then replied and I pulled his hair a little. "Stop being so cheeky, demon! I'm a category above you now so fear me!" I grinned at him while kissing him. He lifted me off the railing and pushed me firmly against the wall where the door to go down was. I felt his chest and his middle against mine which turned me on slightly. He pulled away from my lips and bit my neck. I groaned loudly and clutched his coat. "For a higher-ranking being, you really want me to take care of you." he grinned dominantly and I looked at him with an angry grin. My eyes soaked in lust, I breathed. "Shut up and finally take me!" His grin only grew wider. "You dirty little angel!"

Insane...~ Alastor x Reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant