Chapter 30

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Y/n's POV

"Hmm... Striker. I kind of like the name. Sounds ho-oooooly, is that your cock?!!" I was amazed at the tall stature with the huge boner. "Y/n not now." Stolas admonished me and I collected myself again. "So your name is Y/n.." he murmured, taking my chin in his hand. "You're way too hot to get killed. Too bad." He said throwing me over his shoulder. Striker took me to a train track that was stretched upwards. There he hung me upside down and turned his attention back to Stolas. I looked worriedly at my friend lying on the ground. He looked at me with a slight smile before the snake guy stabbed his leg. I hissed over to the two men. "Stop it you little cunt!" I shouted to him venomously. He laughed at my insult and continued stabbing. Striker let go of Stolas and grinned to come over to me. He supported himself with his elbow next to me but I only looked forward at Stolas. He groaned a little in pain, which broke my heart. "Look at your pathetic prince friend lying there on the floor." "Don't call him that." I hissed at him angrily. He laughed again and took my chin in his hand. Since my hands were on my back I couldn't slap his hand away so I tried to bite him. "Step away from my face or I'll get a rash. I'm allergic to sons of bitches you know?" I teased, grinning mischievously, and he grabbed my face with his free hand. He pressed his fingers into my cheek and held the knife to my throat. "Call me that again and you'll have a problem with me." he breathed to me. My grin grew a little wider despite him squeezing my cheeks. "Son of a bitch." I whispered and he raised his knife angrily. "STOP!" Stolas shouted, making him stop despite the magical bands. Striker stood frozen before Stolas released his strength from him. The imp in front of me let go and turned around. "How did you do that!?" he shouted angrily. I looked at Stolas on the floor, surprised. He looks really bad. I thought guilty. Despite the fact that he seems so weak, he pulled everything out of himself just to save me. I owe him so much and yet I can't help him. "Shame you won't see your kid again." grinned Striker walking around Stolas. "Don't you dare breathe a word about my daughter." Stolas replied angrily. Striker leaned down, grinning and hissing like a rattlesnake. "Oooh.. Finally hit a nerve huh?" "I swear if you go near her I will destroy you!" The snake sat on Stolas' stomach to pin him firmly to the ground before stabbing him through the shoulder. I opened my eyes in shock. "Stolas!!" I shouted, shaking myself back and forth in the rope. Trying to pull myself away from the rock. "But just that.. any last words Goetia?" Striker asked in a calm voice. "NO!!" I roared, regaining my demon form but it seemed like I was having a seizure. I felt the power I got when I shifted into my demon form running out and into my body. Striker looked at me a little confused, but I could barely notice because of the energy change in my body. "Blitzø... wants..." Stolas began painfully. "The rodeo clown told you he ain't coming." He lifted the knife from Stolas shoulder to then prepare for the final stab. I let myself fall exhausted, the cramp I had disappeared but when I saw Striker with Stolas to kill, any anger and fear I had for my friend came up. "STOLAAS!!!" I screamed and tore my ropes apart out of sheer rage. As the straps tore, a golden pressure wave was created. Striker was thrown by Stolas and at the same time I heard his phone rang but he didn't pay any attention to it. In a flash I found myself in front of Striker and looked down at him. I saw a huge shadow underneath me, a bigger one like actually, which surprised me a bit, but I ignored it. Striker's eyes widened in shock. "You are An angel?" he breathed a little worriedly which made me grin. "Oh yes and I'm going to take you heavenly now." I breathed menacingly with a hint of irony and hit him with my fist. Another golden pressure wave emerged that rammed Striker firmly into the ground. He was now also lying weakly on the floor and I ran smoothly to the phone, which was still ringing. "Well finally!!" groaned a person all too familiar to me. Stella. Stolas his ex-wife. "You don't need to kill him anymore, we need him alive." she said annoyed. "Excellent." I grinned and hung up again. I crushed it and crouched down next to Stolas. "Stolas darling are you still here?" I asked worriedly, holding his face in my hands. "Y/n..? Your wi-... look hot.." he breathed so that I didn't quite understand him but that wasn't important either. Suddenly a horn sounded in the distance before a van crashed through the wall. He stopped near me and Moxxie and Millie got out of it. "Y/n?" Moxxie asked in amazement and Millie looked at me with huge, sparkling eyes. "Y/n you have wings?!!!" she rejoiced and hugged me tightly. I opened my eyes in shock. There were six divided wings hanging from my body like my brother's and I covered my mouth with my hands. "Wha.. WHAT!!!?!?" I shouted across the mountain. I could not believe it. I touched them to make sure they were real and they were. I could have cried with joy but at the moment Stolas was more important. "Shit we have to get him to the hospital immediately." Moxxie said and the three of us lifted him into the van. I sat in the back with Stolas' head on my lap and we drove to the hospital where countless reporters were already waiting. When we opened the doors they all rushed over to take Stolas to the hospital. The whole paparazzi went in and we saw Blitzø lying on the floor in shock. "Uh sir. Are you okay?" Moxxie asked helping him up. "oh, peachy yeah, today's been wonderful. What the fuck was that about?" he asked us, a little annoyed, pointing to the hospital. "Stolas got hurt bad." Millie said rubbing Blitzø's back. "Stolas got what.?? How... He can get Hurt..?" he asked, worried and shocked at the same time. I now stroked his back too. "I'm sorry I couldn't help him. Striker had those power sucking ropes and-and-" "Hey." Blitzø stopped, smiling slightly at me before I blurted out. "It's not your fault. By the way, the wings look hot, where did you get them?" he grinned somewhat teasingly over her. I hit him lightly on the shoulder. "Yes, from the supermarket over there. They were on special offer today." I laughed ironically, rolling my eyes. I took Blitzø's hand and wanted to drag him to the hospital. "Come on, let's go look for him.." I said calmly looking up at the imp. He shook his head, retreating. "I can't.." he said with a shocked face. "Why?" I asked confused and Blitzø snatched his hand from mine. "I-I-I just can't Y/n!" He now snapped at me in a bit of a panic and walked towards the transporter. "See you." He said goodbye and took Loona with hin, which made the other two Imps look confused. They said their proper goodbyes before setting off to follow their boss. I now turned back to the hospital and went inside. I had to stand in front of the room Stolas was in for a while before the doctors let me in. "Stolas.." I smiled from the door as I saw him looking out the window somewhat sadly. "Y/n." he smiled from his bed, happy to see me. I closed the door before sitting going to sit on his bed. "Is everything okay?" I asked tilting my head in concern. He nodded slightly. "Everything's fine." he answered. "You know, Stolas. If you wanted to be kidnapped so badly, we could have postponed our meeting." I laughed to lighten the mood. He let out an amused owlish laugh and tried to sit up a little. "Your wings..." he said smiling. I looked back at it too before looking back at him. A little pleased so my wings began to flutter slightly. "Sweet." he smiled and I looked down embarrassed. "I'm glad you got them back. But how?" asked he. "I like to know it, too." I replied shrugging my shoulders. "Before I was tied to the rails, I didn't have any." I giggled slightly as did he and it became a bit quiet again. "Where is Blitzø?" he asked, smiling slightly hopefully. I folded my hands on my knees. "Well he.. You know that his daughter was at the doctor today too. They just left.." answered honestly and he looked sadly at the blanket. "Oh okay." "But he wanted me to tell you to get well soon." I smiled a little to cheer him up. He also smiled a little, just to not make me feel bad. "Y/n, I think it's best if you go back to the hotel.." he said calmly. I looked at him not understanding. "What why." "Because, well... a lot of things didn't go the way they were supposed to today. You shouldn't be here with me when I'm in this state..." he said and I put my hand on his to reassure him. "Heyy.. Everything is Fine, I can stay." I smiled which made him shake his head. "No, go home. Take a break. You deserve that." Stolas smiled. "We'll see each other again soon, okay?" he added before he opened a portal and circled around me and before I could even look I was standing in front of the hotel. I saw shock in front of me where Stolas just sit. just teleported away. I thought indignantly but also understood. Today was certainly very stressful for him. I would rather be alone. I thought to myself, retracting my wings. I heard a light drone behind me which made me turn around in amusement. It was from Vox, I recognized it from the logo. "You rotten little stalker." I laughed knowing he couldn't answer. "You're not spying on me, you perverted piece. Not that you're jerking off on me again." I grinned mischievously and took the drone before it could fly away and removed the power from it. Giggling, I turned back to the hotel and looked around for the others. Only Angel and Husk were awake and probably still drinking something. The others were already asleep and I sat down at the counter, exhausted. "Y/n Sugar tit? Fucked people nicely??" Angel laughed a little drunkenly and Husk put a drink in front of my nose. I thanked him and drank the glass in one go. "I don't think so. Some snake guy had me tied to a train track." I laughed a little. "Was he hot?" grinned Angel. "Very hot." I laughed and poured myself another glass. "Okay, you two, I'll go upstairs. I'm exhausted." I breathed exhaustedly and laughed a bit before running up towards Alastor's room. I just walked in and saw him once again eating some completely eaten animal. "How you can eat the whole animal is beyond me." I laughed strolling over to him. He looked at me with a surprised smile. "Y/n dear, what are you doing here so early?" he asked, snapping a chair next to him. "Well there were complications." I giggled resting my head tiredly on his shoulder. "You've been drinking?" he asked confused, putting another fork full of meat in his mouth. Now I put my hands on his shoulders and my head on my hands. "What a good nose you have sweety~." I grinned and poked his nose. He would have torn anyone else to pieces, but I wasn't anyone else. I thought to myself, grinning. I yawned heavily and closed my eyes while he was eating. "Honey, why don't you go to sleep? Dare you drool on my coat." He warned me admonishingly and I grinned a little. "It's all right, your terrible highness." I laughed up to him and Alastor took me by the back and under my knees to take me to my room. "Alastor I am an angel did you know that?" I crooned against his chest due to my lack of sleep and alcohol. I looked up at him with a grin and pulled his collar down toward me. He tried desperately to keep himself upright and looked forward in annoyance. "You look so cute Alasti." I grinned up at him and he ignored that nickname. "You're such a gentleman that you're carrying me across the floors." I smiled happily. He opened my bedroom door and slowly lowered me into my bed. He started to leave my room when I stopped him, tugging at his coat. He turned to me with an annoyed grin and I looked at him with big big eyes. "Can you stay with me the night?" I asked sweetly. Alastor leaned down to me, smiling sweetly. "No." He grinned heartlessly, which now made me look annoyed. "Pleaseee." I whined a little. He shook his head and walked over to the door. "Then I guess I'll have to call Vox to do it." I said after him, grinning. "Do that. Goodnight sweetheart." he grinned and closed my door. I watched him go, horrified, and snuggled up in my bedclothes, sulking. Of course the Vox thing was a lie and Alastor knew that, so he left. I climbed out of my bed over to my door to walk over to Alastor again. I spread my wings to scurry across the hallway more quietly and quickly. It was so great to have them back. I slowly lowered myself down and opened Alastor's door before laying down on the bed with my arms and legs spread out. "Y/n." he breathed exhaustedly from me. I grinned at him looking backwards so he was upside down for me. However, his eyes widened when he noticed the feathers beneath me. "Y/n dear, what is that?" he smiled lifting part of my wings. "My wings!!" I rejoiced, sitting up quickly. I wrapped them around my body so that they covered everything but my face. "Awesome right!!??" I jumped at him and unfolded my wings behind me in all their glory. I turned my back to him so he could get a closer look at my wings. "Fascinating." he said, looking at the back of the wing in amazement. This gave me pleasant goosebumps before I turned back and let my wings disappear again. "I got them back during my trip." I said, yawning throughout. My eyes slowly became weak and I just looked up at Alastor intently. He continued to talk to me but at a certain point my eyes closed and I fell towards him exhausted.

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