Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

I found my way to the V headquarters well, but how would I be allowed into the building now? If only Vox would show up now, he's currently broadcasting, I saw that on a TV I was walking past. I calmly walked to the entrance to go through it. But the guards caught me before I could set foot on the ground. "Who are you little lady!" "You have no business here, doll." They grinned at me cheekily which made me roll my eyes. Suddenly an idea popped into my head. "What cheek! If Vox finds out that his two bodyguards are hitting on his lover." They opened their eyes in shock and didn't want to believe me at first, but my serious look intimidated them. "We're really sorry Mrs. Vox!!! Please don't tell Vox about this." "I'll think about it." I replied arrogantly throwing my hair over my shoulder and running into the building. I looked around in amazement as I walked towards the elevator. I saw cameras everywhere that seemed to be connected to each other so I tried it out. I formed my body into electrical charge and projected myself into the cameras until I found a fashion room full of models and a very well known designer. I calmly walked over to her, her name was Velvette and she must be new to Vox's team because i don't remember her face. "Hello sweetie, can you tell me where to find Vox?" I asked her sweetly but she turned around angrily. "Why do you dare to talk to me like that!!" She hissed at me which made me giggle a bit. "Sweetie, come down I just want to go to Vox." I grinned down at her tilting my head. She propped herself up on her hip and scanned me up and down. "He's on the air right now, but wait for him here. I still need a model." She grinned and her eyes shone. I wanted to say no when she pulled me onto the desk and started changing my outfit. So often that I really didn't feel like it anymore until suddenly the perfect dress came along. It was a floor-length black dress with a slit on the left side, a deep neckline and very figure-hugging. "Vel~. What are you doing?" "What do you think huh!!? I have to put on my show." she snapped at Valentino. When he looked up at me I swayed sweetly at him which made him look perplexed. "Aha but could I borrow Y/n for a moment??" Valentino grinned at me, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Y/n???" Velvette asked a little shocked and looked up at me. "Man, tell me you're Y/n!! Sweetie, then I would never have hit on you like that, sorry. Yes, Valentino, having fun, take her with you." she replied to the pimp who followed me on my back up into the large hall. "Honey, how long has it been!" he began as soon as the door closed. We sit on the sofa, my legs crossed and looking over at him with my drink in my hand. "Surely over 7 years!! How is my dear Vox?" I grinned mischievously because Valentino knew about our desire at the time. "Oh he's fine! Totally blown away by his company. And you in that dress." He grinned which made me raise an eyebrow with a grin. "In this dress he won't be able to hold himself together for a minute before he starts fucking you. Oh yeah, don't you want to start working for me? We would make so much money, my love!" I shook my head and ran my hand from my head down to my knee while talking to Valentino. "You'll never see this body in porn only in real life." He pouted at me a little and I started to grin mischievously. "I don't have much time anymore, but I have some information for Vox that might interest him." I winked and sipped my drink. Valentino looked at me invitingly, which made me talk. "The Radio Demon is with the Hell Princess." I said, which made him laugh a little. He pulled from his stick and blew me the steam, which made me a little hazy. "Wow what a downgrade from a goddess like you to princesa of hell." he rolled his eyes and blew another cloud in my face. "Phew, tell me, do you want to drug me or what do you want to do with your exhales into my face?" I teased Valentino slightly, got up from the couch and walked over to him. I grabbed his long rod and took a long drag. I breathed it out slowly by sending a kiss to Valentino. "Pass this to Vox and tell him to meet me." I winked at the pimp, gave him a final kiss on the cheek left and right and disappeared back out of the building in my shadow. When I arrived in front of the hotel I let out a relaxed breath, on the way to the hotel I noticed a large airship but that certainly didn't mean anything. I immediately made my way to Alastor, who was sitting as usual in his half-transformed room. "Y/n!" he rejoiced in an unusual voice but with his natural grin. Alastor quickly came towards me in his shadow form before grabbing me and pulling me close to him. "So were you serious before? Wow.." I grinned hornily and pulled him down towards me by his collar. "Well, how was it with Vox.." he breathed the name into my ear, I got goosebumps but whatever that is, I want more of it. "Didn't meet him but I left a message for the dear guy." I grinned out of breath. A day ago I would have hated myself for standing here with him and I don't understand how he keeps making me feel so attracted to him. "That makes me happy, my love. I know you won't disappoint me." He said, sliding his head down my neck. His tongue licked my neck and he bit it lightly, which turned me on but I was still able to suppress it. With his hands crossed with mine, he pushed me against the room door, his knee between my legs and his arms surrounding me. "Alastor.." I said to him, hoping he would let go of me. "Yes, beloved...?" he breathed with warm breath against my neck. Before I could continue, he bit down a little harder and I started to bleed. Then my phone rang. I immediately let go of Alastor to answer. "Yes?" I spoke up, followed by Angel's voice. "Y/n? Where are you? Charlie's getting nervous down here and I can't do this alone." I laughed a little and then went towards the door of the room. "I come." I said and hung up. "Well Alastor then I guess we'll have to postpone that." I grinned at him with a wink, which he accepted with closed eyes and a grinning nod. When I reached the bottom, Vaggie, Charlie and Angel were waiting for me. I sat on the couch with Angel and then watched as Charlie had a slight breakdown. "Okay. So the externination is coming in six months instead of a year. No big deal. Just a little setback. Nothing we can't handle." She said running from side to side. "Just angels cut our timeline in half. But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am i right?? And next time. when they cut the time in half again and again. We'll just handle it, right?!" Vaggie intervened before Charlie had a real breakdown. "Yes we will.." said the gray-haired one. I was snuggled up with Angel and was reading the messages he got from Valentino. It was so disgusting and I felt more than sorry for that poor boy behind me. But he sold himself to this perverted pimp and now even I can't do anything for him. "Oh please, ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now." Angel again received thousands of messages from Valentino. "Ain't no silver lining this time too much." "Angel don't be so rude!" I contradicted, punching him lightly in the side. "Sure there is. We just have to look a little harder for it." Charlie said hopefully. I gave her a thumbs up smile. "Well. while you're looking, the rest of Hell is going nuts. People are already freaking out about the news." Angel showed us the new messages when he got another text from his boss. "Eh what is a Donkey show..??" Charlie asked confused which made me giggle a bit. "Heh nothing. My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news too. Like I said, everyone's losing their shit." me and Vaggie had a flash of inspiration and grinned at each other. "Yeah.." I started grinning and touching my chin. "That's true. Sinners are desperate." "and maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the externination?" I finished Vaggie's idea and we gave each other an imaginary high five. "This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!" Charlie was happy, which made Angel destroy that thought again. "Cute idea and all, but you really going to go out in all of this??" "Well its not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep." Suddenly the wall exploded and we all looked through it in confusion. "Hey, I saw that airship earlier!" I reported, laughing slightly childishly amused. "And why don't you tell us!!" Vaggie complained a bit and I giggled nervously. "hehe oops."

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