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This is my first story, so please be nice! :)


Haylee Green is the girl everyone want to be. She's beautiful, smart, and friendly. No one would ever guess what it's like at home for her. With an alcoholic step-father, and a mother to scared to help, Haylee must stay strong. When the new guy at her school, Hunter (who is totally gorgeous!) keeps giving Hailey these mysterious looks, her world gets turned upside down. She finds herself on the streets, she is a runaway.

Chapter 1- Good Morning.

"Go to hell!" I heard my step-father Jake yell. Great. He's drunk again. I groaned and looked at my clock. Only 5:02. "I'm done with you, and your slut of a daughter!" he screamed again. "Shhh, you'll wake Haylee up.." my mothers quiet voice squeaked. I sneaked out of my bedroom and slid into the bathroom. Oh, wow. I thought as I looked in the mirror. This will require some serious work. I picked up my brush and started to run it through my wild auburn hair that hung to my waist. "Oh look. Miss Perfect is already up." I heard Jake's annoying voice from behind me. "Get away from me." I said calmly, my voice was as hard as steel. I wasn't in the mood to put up with him this morning. My mom came to my side, with tears running down her flushed cheeks.

She was so small, and beautiful. I wondered how she got stuck with such a loser like Jake. I used to dream about a handsome man who was perfect in every way would come take me and my mom away from him. But he never came. My mom didn't like to talk about my real dad. The only thing I knew about him was that he died when I was very young.

"Wow that was impressive," Jake's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "you're getting better at talking back. Maybe I should teach you a lesson." He took a step towards me and I backed up. My mom stiffened beside me. "Haylee, hunny. Why don't you jump in the shower?" I just nodded and grabbed a towel. "Jake, we can continue this upstairs." she said. I glaced back at her and she was shaking. I turned on the hot water and it drown out whatever Jake was said to me, or my mother. I don't know, or care.


After my long shower Jake must have passed out somewhere because it was quiet. I looked at my phone, it was 6:25. Okay, I have an hour and fifteen minutes to get ready. I walked over to my closet and picked out my favorite yellow jean shorts and a white tank-top. I added two long necklaces, and a few bracelets. Perfect.I thought, looking in the mirror after blow drying my wavy auburn hair. I put on a little eyeliner that made my purple eyes pop. Yes, purple. My mom said that they were the same as my dad's. I picked up my phone again, 7:00. Time to go pick Jenna up. Jenna is a little girl who rides my bus. Living in a small town, elementary kids ride the same bus as the high-schoolers. We became friends the first day I noticed her.


I got on the bus my first day of Sophomore year. I went to take a seat next to my friends as I got a bunch of "Hi, Haylee!"s and "How was your Summer Haylee?"s. I noticed a little blond girl sitting by her self. She had tears running down her cheeks. She was so small, curly hair hitting her shoulders. She looked so innocent. Immediately I wanted to help her, so I sat in her seat. She wiped her tears and looked at me with a small smile then looked out the window. That's when I noticed it. I let out a gasp. She turned to me again. I raised my hand slowly and touched her cheek. She winced. On her cheek was a bright purple bruise. "What happened sweetie?" I asked her. She broke down in tears again. I pulled her into a tight hug. I stroked her hair and murmured that everything was going to be okay. I pulled her away so that I could look into her eyes. "My name is Haylee, and I am going to help you."


That was over a year ago. Jenna lived alone with her father who had anger problems. He had been beating her ever since her mother left when she was 6. From when I first met her, I did what she would allow to protect her. I picked her up from school so her father wouldn't be able to be angry if she missed the bus (which was a lot, she had a hard tine getting up in the morning). Also I took her to my house, or out some place so she wouldn't have to spend more time then necessary home alone with him, since he never allowed her to have friends over. I arrived at her house around 7:20. I went up and knocked quietly on the window, careful not to wake her dad up. Within a minute she was out the door, and hugged me tightly. I smiled as we walked to my car. She hopped in the front and instantly stared talking. "Okay, so today is tryouts for spring soccer and I'm SO nervous! What if I miss the ball? What if I fall, and everybody laughs at me? What if -" "Calm down, I'm sure you'll do great. You are an amazing athlete, you know that." I cut her off. She smiled at me. "Thanks Hails" she said, using her nickname for me. That's when I noticed her wrist was wrapped in an Ace-bandage. "Jenna, what happened to your wrist?" I asked seriously. "Oh nothing." she shrugged. "Jenna...." I stopped my car, and gently took her wrist in my hands. She winced when I touched it. "Tell me what happened." I whispered looking at her, she was trying to hold back tears. "H.. He got angry with me because I accidentally forgot to take out the trash. I was so tired I.. I just fell asleep! He grabbed my wrist and p-pulled me up by it, and threw me near the garbage can and yelled at my to take it out now. It was 3 in the morning.." "Shh, it's okay hunny. You're safe now." I hugged her, and then started my car again and drove her to school. 7:50, just enough time to drop her off then make it to first period on time. I hugged her goodbye, and wished her luck for soccer.

I got to school and arrived right at 8:00. So I rushed to first period just making it as the late bell rang at 8:03. I sat in my usual seat next to my best friends, Angela, Gabby, and Dylan. Of course, everyone tired to be my best friend.. Seeing as I was the most "popular" girl in school. I don't know why though. I wasn't like those girls you see in movies. I was nice to everyone, and didn't dress like a slut. It's not like I'm complaining though. I like it. I gave a quick greeting to my friends. Dylan gave me a questioning look. I was never this late to school. I was usually here at 7:55 on the dot. "Jenna.." I said. Not needing to explain. They all knew and loved her just as much as I did.

That's when Mr. De Vito started class. "Alright class, listen up." He boomed, quieting us all. "We have a new student. His name is Hunter Michael. Please be nice, and introduce yourselves." Hunter gave the class a little wave. He was gorgeous! And staring right at my with emerald green eyes. His eyes looked as if he recognized me. He had dirty blond hair that fell in-front of his eyes, but he pushed in out of the way. He was tan, and DAMN was he fit. He was wearing faded black jeans, and a tight red tee-shirt with some logo I didn't recognize on it. I blushed as I realized I was staring. But he was staring back. I looked away, and he went to sit in the back corner of the class where no one else was sitting.

Gabby giggled, and whispered in my ear, "He was TOTALLY looking right at you. He's a definite hottie!" I rolled my eyes at her. She was boy-crazy. Dylan looked irritated. No matter how hard he tired, he couldn't get our bubbly friend to swoon over him. Dylan has had a crush on Gabby since freshman year, but never has had the guts to do anything about it. He probably hated poor Hunter already. He hadn't even met the guy!

The rest of the day went by in a blur, and to my surprise the only thing I could think of was Hunter. Why did he look at me like that? Had we met before and I just don't remember? Who switches to a new school in the middle of the second semester anyway? All together I had him in three of my classes. Math (with Gabby, Angela, and Dylan), Theater, and Spanish. In Theater we had been put together as partners for our next scenes. Seeing as I was the strongest actor in the class, and he was new. We decided on a funny scene about a couple who argue about whose parents they go to for the holidays.

Hunter was actually really funny and sweet. We spent most of the class laughing at ourselves and doing our scene in funny voices. Then he became evil. He discovered I was extremely ticklish!! As he chased me around the stage, I tripped and fell. He muffled laughter as he came and picked me up. As soon as he touched me, I felt tingles shoot up my arm. I looked into his eyes. So perfect and beautiful. He stared back, just like this morning. Except now the feeling of knowing him from somewhere was amplified by his touch, his hand still on the small of my back from when he picked me up. I don't know how long we stood there. But I could look into his eyes all day. He took a breath, "Haylee.."

Cliffhanger!! Haha, how did you guys like it? Please, please, PLEASE leave feedback! As I said before, this is my first book. So let me know what you guys think! <3

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