The Long Drive Part 2

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{1537 Words}

Jackson and Lottie woke up on Christmas morning not at all like they planned. There were about three hours from home in a bed and breakfast. But at least they were together.

Lottie woke up enough to look around faster than Jackson. Since there were no surprises Jackson didn't already know about, anyway.

“DADDDYYY!!! LOOK!!” Lottie screeched in a manner that confirmed Jackson was not about to get just five more minutes of sleep.

“Yes, baby bunny.” Jackson from under a pillow. He drove all night the previous night and now she was awake forty-five minutes early. Technically, he was fine because of the double human feeding but he still psychologically wanted a bit more sleep. It was a long week.

“Santa came!” Lottie yelled and brought the two stockings over that were decorating the electric fireplace by the two rocking chairs. Santa had filled them!! “Open it!! Open it!!” Jackson moved the pillow to look just as a full Christmas stocking came down upon his head.

“Ouch. Thanks, baby bunny.”

“Nu thank me, thank SANTA!!”

The contents weren't as pretty as she had seen in storybooks but it was her very first Christmas stocking ever!! Santa had finally found her!!! There were three chocolate bars and a bag of potato chips. It was all of her favourite things from the vending machine downstairs but she was too excited to notice!

“Daddy!! What Santa get you?!” Lottie eagerly inspected his treats just to gag at his black licorice! Icky! “Daddy!!! Santa found us!!!” The baby bunny excitedly hopped onto Daddy’s tummy, successfully vanquishing any last sleepiness he had by an accidental knee to the crotch. Jackson successfully masked his face by hiding in the pillow, he didn't want to ruin her morning by making her feel bad. “Daddy, wake UP!! It CHRISTMAS!!!”

So after his painful wake-up call, they ate some pre-breakfast Christmas treats and watched a Christmas movie. Santa hadn't brought them any gifts to unwrap and breakfast wasn't served for about thirty minutes. But Lottie was really happy. She had Daddy and Santa had finally found her. How much better could Christmas get?!?!

They had breakfast in the dining room. It was served buffet style. Evie's Mommies were going around and chatting with all of the guests being big and boring while Evie was sitting with Lottie and Mr Jackson.

Evie was excitedly explaining her Christmas morning and Lottie was eagerly listening. She wasn't jealous. She spent her entire life not getting anything from Santa, so it didn't matter he gave Evie more than her now. At least he found her! Meanwhile, Jackson was getting increasingly grumpy but couldn't really do anything about the situation.

After the girls had finished eating, they scurried off to the side of the dining room to play while their Doms discussed big and boring things. They were giggling and running around the open space when Lottie noticed what was holding the curtain open. She giggled. This would be so funny! And she wouldn't be hurting nuttin' by borrowing the curtain holder!

"Daddy! Look! I'm a rope bunny!" The baby bunny mimed a lasso again but this time with the piece of fancy rope that was holding the curtain together! Daddy didn't giggle like Lottie. And no one else staring at her in the dining room was either.

"Lottie Marula! Put that down we are going back to our room now!" Daddy came and carried her off back to their room.

Evie wanted to play more but her Mommies insisted everyone needed to spend Christmas with their own dynamics.

Jackson and Lottie spent the afternoon watching Christmas movies, cuddling and drinking hot chocolate. They were invited for Christmas dinner and Jackson accepted. Mostly because the girls were beginning to throw tantrums because of the underlying issue of their separation.

Daddy's Little Grumpy Bunny (A Little Pet Play Story)Where stories live. Discover now