Out Loud?

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{1299 Words}

Lottie was currently snuggling with her Daddy while he took his nap from breakfast to lunch like he did every day he came home from working the night before. He was stubborn and always said he wasn't sleepy.

So she would say she needed him to read a book to her in his bed since she was running low on cuddles because he made her sleep alone the night before. Then she would show him the book and give her best puppy dog eyes.

Worked every time.

It was sometimes boring but he needed his sleep so she made sure not to wake him up until about noon. That's when her tummy got growly like a grumpy baby bear needing her Daddy Bear to feed her. That's why she was wearing a diaper during the day. Not because she was a baby or nuttin' but because she didn't want to disturb his sleep by getting up to go potty or by leaking her pull-up.

Sometimes she had no control over using her pull-up or diaper. Even if she had gotten big girl panties when she had gone clothes shopping with Jackson, she hadn't had full bladder control even on her very first night here. It wasn't so bad, especially when she hid behind Bob her blankie while her Daddy changed her.

She also, maybe, liked it when he tickled her tummy after he changed her and she was still strapped to the changing table. But it also made her grumpy so she would tell him off. Sometimes her Daddy tickling her lead to her mouth being washed out with soap. She's been trying to advocate for ‘A Little's Right To Swear’ but the results have not been promising.

Her tummy growling brought her back to reality. She looked at the time and pouted, only 11:37am. She didn't want to interrupt his nap until 12 but her tummy was being impatient today. She tried to focus on Hunny Bunny on her mobile game but her tummy just SCREAMED louder.

She was about to huff but her huff was cut short by her scream. Her Daddy was swinging her around to his other side and now he was tickling her!!

“Sir!! Stopitletmego!!!” Lottie shrieked in-between giggles.

“Who’s growling and interrupting Daddy Bear’s big winter nap?!” Jackson continued to tickle her.

“ItnuwinterSir!! Itfallstill!! Nunaptime!!”

“Are you sure about that, baby?” Jackson paused his tickling.

“Es, Sir! Look!” Lottie pointed at the window. “Nu sno! Nu sno mean nu winter!!”

“That's some sound logic, baby. I guess its time for Daddy Bear to wake up.”

Before Lottie could complain that it wasn't noon yet, she was shrieking again. Jackson had picked her up and was carrying her over his head like she was an airplane or something. But she didn't want to fly, she wanted to walk! Her protests were ignored and she ‘flew’ all the way to her highchair.

“Perfect landing as always, baby.” Her Daddy praised her and kissed her forehead. She blushed and giggled.

“You let me drive real plane? Voom voom? Pleaseeee!” Lottie tried her best puppy dog eyes but her Daddy was too busy making lunch to notice.

“Baby, you cannot pilot a plane. You do not even have a driver's license for a car. The ‘voom voom’ addition makes me question your desire to follow speed limits as well.”

Lottie pouted. “But airplanes in sky! Nu speed lemons! Just speedy beanstalks! Like Jack-Jack and Beanstalk! Voom voom!”

“Baby, nothing you just said is encouraging me to let you get a pilot’s license.”

“You mean!” Lottie pouted.

“If I was so mean, would I have had made you chicken nuggets, a hash brown patty, and french fries?”

Lottie gasped as she watched her Daddy bring her lunch over to feed her. “Two potatoes?!”

“Yes, baby.” Jackson replied as Lottie clapped her hands in excitement and wiggled in her seat. Forgetting all about lemons and beanstalks in the sky.

Part way through her lunch, she eyed Jackson's lunch, a coffee mug of blood he poured himself from the carton in the fridge. Strangers’ blood delivered from a Marula family blood bank.


“Yes, baby?”

“What’s wrong with me?” Lottie looked at Jackson with sad eyes.

“Baby, what do you mean? There's nothing wrong with you.” Jackson asked, bewildered by her sudden insecurity.

“But there has to be something wrong with me and my blood for you not to want to drink my blood.” Lottie began to cry. “Either the doctor said I was too sick or you think I'm icky.” Lottie was fully sobbing now and Jackson set the plate down and took Lottie out of her highchair.

“Baby! There's nothing wrong with you! The doctor said you were healthy. And I could never think you were icky!” Jackson hugged her and rubbed her back, lightly bouncing her in his arms.

“But why don't you feed from me? Why do you think the carton of blood is yummier than me? I'm your human, I'm supposed to feed you.” Lottie cried into her Daddy's neck.

“Baby, it's not about being yummy or icky. I just didn't think you were ready for that yet. And I didn't want to rush you, you've already been rushed into this whole situation enough.”

“Why didn't you think I was ready, Sir?” Lottie sniffled and clung on to her Daddy’s shirt.

“Because you don’t feel comfortable calling me ‘Daddy’ or something similar yet. I didn't want to rush you baby so I was waiting until you felt more comfortable with me before I brought it up.”

Lottie looked up at Jackson confused. “But you said to call you ‘Jack-Jack’ during Big Girl Chats. And ‘my Daddy’ or ‘Sir’ during other times. ‘Daddy’ is your title but I need to call you ‘Sir’ to be polite.”

“Baby, I'm sorry. That's not what I meant.”

Lottie looked even more confused. “‘Daddy Dom’ isn't your title?”

“It is, baby. But it's also the name you call me. You would either call me by the nickname ‘Daddy’ or add ‘Sir’.”

“You mean I can call you ‘Daddy’ like Shyla calls her Caregiver ‘Maa’ and Tammy and Sammy call their Caregiver ‘Mamma’?!” Lottie asked excitedly.

“Of course, baby. I'm sorry I didn't explain it clearer.” Jackson kissed Lottie's forehead.

“I thought you just didn't like to be called ‘Daddy’ or something similar. Like Katie calls her Caregiver ‘Zeze’ and Zhang calls his Caregiver ‘Baba’.”

“Baby, Caregivers may go by different terms but ‘Baba’ means ‘Daddy’ or ‘Grandmother’ or ‘Sibling’ in many parts of the world. And Katie calls her Caregiver ‘ZeZe’ because their pronouns are ‘they/them’ and that's the name Katie and her ZeZe prefer.”

“Oh. …Does this mean you are gonna gobble me up now, Daddy?” Lottie blushed and hid her face in Daddy’s neck.

“I’m not going to bite you today, but I am going to gobble you up!” Lottie shrieked as Daddy flipped her over and blew raspberries on her tummy while making nomily nom noises.

Then, Daddy put her in her highchair and she finished her lunch. This time feeding herself since she was feeling bigger.

“Can I drive a plane now, Daddy?” Lottie asked. Feeling bigger now, but still wanting to pilot a plane.

Jackson chuckled. “You cannot pilot a plane. I do not have one in the backyard ready for takeoff. And I am not certain you are big enough for something like that even if I had the money to buy you a plane.”

“That is bullshit!” Lottie exclaimed and didn't notice the sudden mood shift in the room before mumbling, “You’re a fucking jerk.”

“Excuse you, young lady?”

Oh no's.

She didn't say that out loud.

She definitely didn't say that out loud.

Daddy's Little Grumpy Bunny (A Little Pet Play Story)Where stories live. Discover now