Friday At HQ

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{4300 Words}

{(Little) Friday Day}

Lottie woke up in the pet daycare. She had decided to go to the pet daycare in the morning and the little daycare in the afternoon.  Today was her last day and she wanted to be able to say goodbye to all of her new friends.

Lottie meant mostly doggies at the pet daycare. While at the little daycare, she met Cinnamon and their siblings, Nate and that fluffer nutter Gabby. But at least Gabby would be home today. Lottie couldn't imagine seeing pet play as a punishment but whatever kept Gabby from cutting hair, she guessed.

Gabby, herself, wouldn't be able to explain and would probably just tell you to ‘fuck off’ if you asked. Things like getting leashed and kenneled were considered being ‘grounded’ for her. While things like head and tummy scratches, her backyard pet agility course, and her pet obedience training were cosy bonding moments she looked forward to with her Pet Dom Daddy. On one hand, her three Doms made her feel safe and loved and she wanted to make them happy like they made her and on the other, they were all arseholes with dumb rules and they could fuck right off.

Lottie wiggled in the pet bed and yawned. Whatever Big and Human Lottie had gotten up to after Jack-Jack said he needed to have a Big Girl Chat, must have taken past bedtime. The little bunny didn't want to think about her foggy memories too much, doing so would push her out of her headspace.

Jackson and Big Lottie were probably up late doing their taxes or some other dumb thing. Bigs only ever did boring things, unless there was a little or a pet or a little pet around. They were the fun ones, obviously.

Lottie messaged Jack-Jack a good morning and then she took her green fluffy Blankie and hopped on all four paws to the breakfast buffet. She had to get her own breakfast so she dished up her breakfast into a pet bowl. She was a good girl and got scrambled eggs, diced potatoes, smiley hashbrowns and spinach. She had tried to hop on two paws but she lost a bit of her scrambled eggs and she couldn't possibly take that chance with her potatoes. When she was getting the carrot sticks out of the fridge, she found a fruit cocktail which made her clap in excitement.

She ate her breakfast at the table because she found it easier than trying to take it farther to the flooring dining area without spilling. She ate her breakfast with her mouth and a bit with her hands without feeling awkward for doing so at the table.

After she put her dishes in one of the buckets for the dirty dishes, she washed her face and paws. She then hopped on all four paws to the cubbies to get her diaper bag. Hopping on all fours with an over-the-shoulder bag was too difficult for her so she hopped on two paws like Cinnamon taught her to the diaper changing rooms.

When she finished, she hopped on all four paws over to the doggy hangout. Henri saw her coming and excitedly started barking. Which made other doggies bark their greetings at her too. She realised Daisy May was there when a loud ‘moooo’ could be heard among the barks. Their greetings made her giggle.

She greeted the doggies who came to sniff her excitedly and doggy hug her by nuzzling their faces with her nose. She gave Henri a little friendly nip because he was her best doggy friend.

No one licked her because Henri had told them earlier she asked him not to. Jackson was being silly with jealousy and blood-sleepiness. But Lottie kinda liked that Jackson didn't want anyone else kissing her. And her new friends were good friends for respecting the request, even if it was normal for doggies to lick others.

They played doggy tag for a while until Big Stinker accidentally knocked Lottie over. Henri ran over growling and barking. Henri and Big Stinker got into a bit of a fight that ended with Big Stinker farting on Henri’s head. So everyone left the doggy hangout area for a while.

Daddy's Little Grumpy Bunny (A Little Pet Play Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя