First Big Girl Chat

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Jackson got Lottie a baby bottle of juice for their chat. He wished he could have gotten her a sippy cup at least while they were out. But his bank account was already in the negative before shopping. He was just lucky the Marula financial department didn't red flag him yet.

He was incredibly in the hole after paying five figures he didn't have to save Lottie from Carlos. He didn't regret it but it would take awhile to get back to a positive amount.

If you were a member of a family, especially one as well off as the Marulas, you didn't need to apply for a loan. You simply had really great overdraft protection up to a certain point based on your rank and salary. Because the Marulas as a whole were backing the loan to pay back the bank.

That didn't stop the head of the Marula finance department to come down on you for it and that Ms Ruth could be a total pain in the ass, literally. But the worst case wasn't disciplinary action from the top of the finance department, it was who would come collecting the debt or who could use that information to remove Lottie from his care.

They also didn't have the luxury of her spending ample amounts of time seemingly in big headspace. Not all littles drank from baby bottles or sippy cups but if Carlos saw her not doing so, he could (and would) use that against them.

All roads lead back to Carlos wanting to use Jackson’s adorable little fairy as a blood bag for his own amusement. He had the power and resources that Jackson, a young and poor vampire, didn't have. And Carlos was an expert at manipulating people and twisting things to the way he wanted it.

Jackson was only qualified to take care of a little human. The only thing Jackson had on his side was the fact Lottie consented to be his little. If she changed her classification, he would simply need to take the proper classes. But if Carlos saw her not acting little first, Carlos would be able to declare Jackson unfit.

The only reason he even had an okay townhouse to bring her home to was because he inherited it from his vampire mom. He eventually had moved into the master bedroom and slowly converted his old bedroom into a nursery.

The living room doubled as the playroom. He wanted to be able to spoil her but couldn't. The small toy box in the living room had taken him years to fill for his Dom-less age playing guests. Now they were Lottie’s.

She insisted it was wonderful as is. But he wished he could buy her a toy just special for her. Maybe once he got his bank account into the positive. He would also know her better by then too.

It was pretty normal for bedrooms, at least master bedrooms, to have their own private bathroom but he couldn't even give her that. Two people sharing a bathroom wasn't a big deal but it added to his feelings of inadequacy. No themed bathroom for his little fairy. Although if last night was any indication, she would be diapered 24/7 soon anyway.

The master bedroom doubled as the naughty room now because he definitely didn't have the space and money to get all fancy with a whole room dedicated to being naughty. He had always viewed his vampire parent as his mom and not his girlfriend or Domme so his naughty room was originally his old bedroom which was now Lottie’s nursery.

Cleaning out his mother's bedroom after she passed away was a bit traumatic. He learned about naughty things he hadn't even learned about in college and wished he had never learned about in the context of his mother.

Jackson huffed, it may not be a mansion or a filled walk-in closet but he had enough to take care of Lottie so she didn't have to worry about Carlos' plans for her. It wouldn't be fair or even legal for Carlos to twist things to take a healthy and consenting Lottie away from Jackson. But Jackson was pretty sure he had the worst boss ever.

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