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Jackson huffed in his car. He was going to be late. He promised Lottie he would always get home by 7am and he was going to be late. She was going to be upset at him for breaking his promise. Good Daddies do not break their promises. Or leave their littles home alone, for that matter. He should be able to afford a night Babysitter.

He needed to call her and let her know. Jackson huffed. He was pretty sure that the rogue vampire broke a rib. But at least he got the money... eventually. As his direct superior, Carlos was in charge of discipling him when he messed up. And just about anything got him in trouble these days with Carlos, worst than ever before. Carlos clearly wanted to get back at Jackson for taking Lottie.

But Lottie was his and he was Lottie's. No one was going to fuck that up for them. Not even Carlos.

He was just about to call Lottie when the touch screen in his car lit up and his phone rang. He huffed, the caller ID read ‘Ruth Marula - she/her - Head of Marula Finance Dept’. Caller IDs needed to be so formal because a person's last name came from the extensive vampire or human family they submitted to. There were plenty of Jackson Marulas and Ruth Marulas in the world when last names were few.

Jackson answered, against his better judgement. Ms Ruth was a pain in the arse, literally. And he was still deeply in debt after claiming Lottie and paying her parents' debt to the Marula family.

“I'm glad I caught you before you arrived at work. The time difference between us is quite severe.”

Yes, I am aware I am very far away from a cushy job at the headquarters where I don't need to worry about broken ribs and littles home alone.

“Just leaving work actually, ma’am.”

“Oh. Excellent. The reason I was calling was because you have a severe debt on your account. The bank has contacted us because they are concerned you are unable to pay back the overdraft you borrowed. And that would be quite unfortunate and ironic since you are quite literally employed as a debt collector yourself.”

Hilariously ironic. Thank you for pointing it out.

“If you look at my bank statements, ma’am, you will see that I have been paying it back, over half of each of my paycheques have gone towards the debt.”

“I do see that. I also see that your most recent employee reviews from a ‘Mr Carlos’ state your work ethic has been quite underwhelming and you may not be employed in your position much longer. How do you plan to pay it back then?”

Jackson held back a groan as a bump in the road rattled the ribs he was sure was broken now if they weren't before. Of course Carlos would write that.

“I only have the debt because I recently rescued a little girl and the debt was a direct result of the claiming.” Jackson said through gritted teeth as his ribs gave another stab of pain.

“A little girl?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

There was a pause before Ruth replied again. “I suppose if you keep making consistent payments, we can let it slide for the time being.”

Ruth abruptly hung up the phone. Jackson didn't expect to be let off the hook that easy. That was completely against her reputation. But he was grateful. He doubted the other woman he pissed off this morning would be so forgiving as he pulled into the driveway twenty-seven minutes late.

He let himself into the house and tried to sneak into the kitchen quietly to get the first aid kit. Hopefully he could get cleaned up before Lottie noticed. But soon enough, he heard her scurrying out from her nursery.

Daddy's Little Grumpy Bunny (A Little Pet Play Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora