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Lottie huffed. She was grateful it was almost time to go home from Ms Priyanka's. Not only was Shyla not there because she was doing some dumb and boring big thing without Ms Priyanka, but the only other littles here today were Tammy and Sammy.

Tammy was Lottie's arch nemesis. Everyday they were both at Ms Priyanka's, the backyard was a battlefield of unfriendly brattiness. In the shadows of course, Ms Priyanka could never know so not even Shyla could find out about just how much they were meanies to each other.

They didn't worry about Sammy seeing them wage war on eachother. He only ever did what Tammy told him to do. Plus, as Tammy, so eloquently put it, the boy had ‘poop for brains’. He didn't even seem to mind the insult. Lottie was shocked that he agreed, cheerfully. Lottie thought the boy was a little weird but the girl was a lot her mortal enemy.

Everytime Ms Priyanka wasn't looking, the race was on to see who could smack the other one with a snowball first, without getting caught when Ms Priyanka looked again. Tammy even sent Sammy to ask Ms Priyanka some dumb question just so she could shove a snowball down Lottie's jacket.

Lottie even joined the two dynamic siblings while they played with the snow paints to draw pictures on the snow. Not because she was bored and lonely because no one else was there! But so they could spend the whole time whispering insults at each other.

“Your tree looks like a dumb cactus, Tammy!” Lottie whispered. Even though no one else was there, Ms Priyanka was a vampire so it was tough to do anything secretly around her and her heightened senses.

“It's a cat, diaper breath!” Tammy whispered back. “Do you need glasses or are you just dumb?”

“I don't need glasses but maybe the icky smell from you not taking a bath last night clouded my eyes!”

“We take a bath every night!” Tammy claimed.

“It's true. We do. Tammy cries when she gets bubbles in her eyes almost every night.” Sammy backed up his sister.

“Shut up, poop brain!” Tammy was unappreciative and silenced him. She never cried! She was a big girl!

“Sorry, Tammy.” Sammy apologised and Tammy glared at him.

“Well, maybe it's because you spend so much time with someone who literally has poop for brains. Maybe the smell has rubbed off on you.” Lottie suggested.

Tammy glared at Lottie. She was the only one who could make fun of her brother! Mamma did too sometimes but Sammy likes that. But certainly not this diaper breath! “You know what they say about bunnies, right?”

“What?” Lottie asked and fidgeted with her bunny ear headband awkwardly sitting on top of her winter hat.

“That they are only good for one thing.”

“What’s that?” Lottie tried to think about the one thing she was really good at. Eating potatoes? Bunny hop scotch? Hiding underneath Daddy's winter coat? He could never find her there! He always gave up!

“Being naughty.” Tammy said smugly.


“Haven’t you ever heard of the phrase ‘hump like bunnies’? Bunnies are soooo naughty that there’s even a magazine of naked people called ‘Playboy BUNNY’.”

“That's not true!” Lottie said with a scowl. Tammy was being really mean, too mean. It's no fun having an arch nemeses that was TOO mean.

“No wonder Mr Jackson, the baby vampire, claimed a human so young and DUMB. You are nothing more than your Daddy’s little slutty bunny.”

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