Baby (Bunny) Steps

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The next few days passed in a blur. Lottie’s wounds had mostly healed. Jackson's blood had sped up the healing. Lottie was a bit surprised. She hadn't expected her wounds to heal that quickly. She also found it strange that she enjoyed the taste of Jackson's blood as a human. Jackson said it was ‘one of the benefits of dating a vampire'. Whatever that meant.

She had started her online classes. Jackson said she only had to pick one of the four classifications to major in. Little pet would be considered a double major. Switch would also be considered a double major.

For now, she would focus on working on her sub courses. Her switchy side at a later time, as a separate degree. Apparently people could go back multiple times to get reclassified or complete undergrad academic training. Grad school was at multi-family universities. Her college only had Marulas or exchange students from other families.

Princess Louisa went back to college a lot when her doctors allowed it. Of course, she wasn't technically a princess, she was just the Marula Head Dom, Mr Iniko’s, grand little. It was just fun to call her that and the nicest thing the tabloids called her. The second nicest thing was a brat. But she seemed to enjoy that title.

Jackson didn't like her reading tabloids but now that she was big, she was big enough to do anything she wanted whenever she wanted. She wasn't too little to do nuttin'. And zippers, zippers were just evil.

Jackson has time off work until they figure out the mess Carlos made. So, they got to stay home together all day every day. So Lottie spent all of her time in Jackson's clothes. They smelled like Daddy Bear and made her feel safe.

They didn't even have to go to the grocery store. Jackson said it was because he was having a lazy day since he was on ‘vacation’ and Lottie was grateful because her face still hadn't returned to its normal colour yet.

But now, she looks normal again. Kinda. She didn’t recognise herself so she tried to avoid looking in mirrors. She didn't even need any pain medications anymore. Although she did still want his blood, Jackson and her doctor said she needed to be weaned off of having it daily now.

That was really REALLY dumb. Right now, she was allowed to drink his blood every second day. It was normally only okay to drink his blood twice per week. Being too heavily dependent on your vampire's blood created a whole bunch of problems. Normally, the human got sent to rehab and the vampire got charged with abuse. That sounded serious like sweet potato cupcakes so Lottie figured they should actually listen to her doctor.

Although, it was really really dumb. But at least she still got to breastfeed. And no, not because she was a baby or nuttin’. Any classification, Dom or sub could breastfeed with their dynamic. Just like diapers.

She was taking the big, little and pet classes. She dropped the slave sub classes pretty quickly. She was a good girl but she wasn't a good girl like that. She also didn't think her Daddy Bear would make a very good Slave Dom.

It was fun to learn about all of the things about the classifications. It took about two years to graduate in-person but it normally took less or more time when taking the classes online.

“Did you know Princess Louisa is back in the baby vampire hospital, Jackson?” Lottie asked as she set the table and Jackson cooked supper.

“No, and you shouldn't either.”

Lottie huffed. “There's nothing wrong with tabloids.”

“It's gossip and often not appropriate.”

“But I'm big!”

“Just because something is a big headspace activity and you are in big headspace doesn't make it appropriate. Would you like the whole world gossiping about you all of the time?”

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