Kinda Naughty

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Lottie huffed, feeling… antsy. Jackson and Lottie had been together for over a month and that was well over the longest wait she had to wait at the beginning of a relationship.

“Daddy?” Lottie pulled on his shirt to get his attention. He was doing the dishes. They didn't have a dishwasher, which was strange. Even the majority of the rundown apartments she had lived in with her parents had dishwashers. It was the 2300s, not the 1300s, for fluffin’ sakes.

“Yes, baby bunny?”

“Do you think I'm ugly?”

“Lottie, why would you think that?” The shocked Jackson put the dish cloth down so he could give all of his attention to Lottie. Lottie was looking so sad and nervous that even her bunny ears were drooping downward while she herself looked down.

Lottie fidgeted, not wanting to discuss the real reason she thought that. “I don't look pretty like Princess Merida. She has red hair and blue eyes. I have red hair and green eyes. I look dumb so you think I'm ugly.”

Jackson gently guided her face to look at him. “Lottie Marula, you don't look exactly like Princess Merida because you're my little fairy princess and baby bunny. I love every part of you, you're my little pet and-”

Being called a little had upset Lottie even more in this moment. She was a big girl too, why did it always have to feel like she was being treated like a little girl even when she felt big?

“For fuck sakes! You are really fucking frustrating sometimes!”

Jackson clenched his jaw and picked Lottie up. She didn't even fight on the way to Jackson's bedroom. She was too preoccupied with what she was going to say during her worksheets about better words and emotions after the spanking for swearing.

“Do you understand why you are getting a spanking today?”

“I swore, Sir.”

“And do you agree four spanks with my hand is fair and reasonable?”

“Yes, Sir.” Four weren't even that many compared to how many she used to get. Jackson insisted on taking it slow since she had been taking it too far trying to measure up to some imagined expectation that Jackson didn't have.

Simply asking to have a Big Girl Chat discussion or to do the worksheets without getting in trouble first hadn't occurred to her. She obviously never liked to talk about cringey things like feelings.

She wished he just got it over with so they could get to the next task. But he always felt the need to take it slow and do dumb things like rub her back and bum to take care of her.

Just hurry it up already. There was green light, yellow light and red light. But sometimes she wished there was a light that meant ‘hurry the fluff up’ not just that she was feeling safe and comfortable or not.

She told him that once and he then finished his hand spanks, painfully slow. And then he added some spanks with his belt for the swearing. She might have forgotten to use her better word that time. Plus, she had wanted him to hurry up so they could go back outside to play before it got dark out but he wouldn't let her outside again. Earlier winter sunsets were really REALLY dumb. Obviously the sun was just lazy.

After an eternity, they finally got to the worksheets about better words and communicating feelings. When she got to write out her answer about why she was so ‘frustrated' that she felt the need to swear, she was ready with an entire rant she had been saving up for the last month.

Jackson sighed. “You are frustrated with me because I don't treat you like a big girl enough. Carlos is irrelevant when we are home alone so you can act like a big girl too sometimes. And… you are… sexually frustrated.” Jackson blushed at the last part which made Lottie giggle. Jackson rarely blushed.

“Yes, Jack-Jack.” Lottie agreed triumphantly.

“You are right, I shouldn't be babying you when you want a ‘big’ break from being my baby bunny. Carlos cannot see inside of our house and you have found your headspace so we no longer need to find it.”

“And the sex since you will treat me like a big girl? We can do naughty things now, right? Or if you are asexual, I could just get a toy.” Lottie pressed on, not really the type to get embarrassed easily about these things.

Jackson blushed again, but this was serious business so Lottie didn't giggle this time. Jackson sighed. “I didn't realise you were… ready.”

“Of course I am ready. We have been together for over a month. Just because I'm a little pet, doesn't mean I'm innocent. I have a big headspace too, Jack-Jack.”

Jackson sighed and scratched his beard. “The truth is… I've been putting it off. I have never… gone all the way before with a partner.” Jackson blushed again and Lottie was shocked.

“I… I just didn't think someone could live for a century and a half without being naughty. And you said you’ve had age playing guests before.”

“I've done… naughty things… kinda. Just not… anything that would require underwear to come off…”

“Oh.” Lottie said, unsure of how to proceed. She had never been naughty with a virgin before and the Dom was supposed to be the boss. She learned her lesson from trying to boss Jackson, he wasn't a switch like her.

“I told you that you are my first serious relationship. I've never had a little or little pet before. A century and a half isn't a long time and a lot of that time I was either a baby vampire or mourning my vampire mom. When were you naughty for the first time?”

“It was my sixteenth birthday. I hooked up with my two best friends. They turned sixteen before me. I wanted to try it too but they said I had to wait until my birthday so I could legally consent. At the time, I thought that was really really dumb. It wasn't anything too serious for me. Just a ‘friends with benefits’ sort of situation while at school. They, however, are still together and joined a human family a few years ago.”

“Oh.” Jackson sighed, unsure of how to proceed. Lottie was clearly way more ‘advanced’ than him in this part of their relationship. He had been hoping when he finally found a sub he wanted to go all the way with, they would be the innocent little type. He was supposed to be the confident leader in their dynamic. Yet another failure as her Daddy.

“What… what if you taught me all of these ‘kinda naughty’ things that you did with your age playing guests? That should be… in your comfort zone. But we don't have too. I didn't want to pressure you, I just thought you had… done more than me.” Lottie blushed.

“You want to try that… right now.” It was Jackson's turn to blush again.

“Only if you feel comfortable too. I'm ready when you are.” Lottie blushed again. She had been ready for a while but she didn't want him to feel pressured. He still wouldn't kiss her lips or even remove his bathing suit during a shared big headspace bath.

With a squeal, Lottie was picked up over Jackson's shoulder and carried into his bedroom.

Fucking eh. FINALLY. Lottie triumphantly giggled.

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