Part 3 (Little) Thursday at HQ

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“Why didn't you tell me?” Jackson asked his escort as they rushed to the little daycare.

“You were in a meeting with the Head Dom.”

“Lottie is more important.”

“Not according to the hierarchy of this vampire family. There were no serious injuries. The Head Dom requested your presence and you had to give it. He is the Head Dom, you should be honoured he even knows your name.”

“Subs always come first.”

“Not when it's between the Head Dom and your sub. Neither situation requiring your attention was life threatening, therefore the Head Dom comes first. If you want to work at the headquarters, you should learn that now. Every moving piece of the Headquarters keeps the Head Dom safe and functioning which keeps the Marula family safe and functioning. Your sub is part of the Marula family. If the Marula family falls because a piece of the puzzle isn't functioning and doing what is asked of him, his sub falls too.”

“I don't need a lecture right now. That was not a serious situation and Lottie could be hurt.”

“Lottie was not hurt. And obedience to the Head Dom is always serious.”

There was another man headed towards the little daycare that Jackson didn't recognise. “You must be Lottie’s Dom.”

“How do YOU know Lottie?” Jackson turned his anger towards the random man.

“I do not. But apparently my little has gotten into a fight with your little.”

“Which is clearly your little’s fault.”

“It probably is. You probably shouldn't punish your little.”

Jackson blinked that was not what he expected the other man to say.

“Gabby is a brat. Well, a bitch really. But don't tell my husbands I said that. Three Doms, and we can barely manage her bi- bratty side. It really shouldn't be this difficult. She's a little, loves us and we love her. But being a good girl who actually cares who’s feelings she hurts is a foreign concept to her. She even has to regularly visit her doctor. Still, we struggle. Hopefully, she will mellow out in the next decade or so.”

Jackson didn't really care about this bitch Gabby as long as she didn't hurt his baby bunny.

When they arrived at the little daycare, they found the littles with Miss Susie by the cubbies. Miss Susie, the middle switch, looked like she was on the brink of throwing a tantrum herself, or worse.

“Jack-Jack!!” Lottie ran to her Daddy's arms.

Gabby did not show the same enthusiasm to see her Daddy.

“What happened, Lottie?” Jackson held a some of her hair as he held her face.

“Gabby call me and Cinnamon a ‘conference of Easter Bunnies’. I say we only leave chocolate Easter eggs for good girls and icky lemons and radishes for not good girls. Nate say to go away if nu nice. Gabby swears lots but me nu to use my better words, Jack-Jack. Gabby get mad and pull one of my bunny ears off. It hurt lots so me get mad and punched Gabby. Gabby get more mad and cut my hair. Nate get mad and give Gabby a bigggg vampire hug so she couldn't cut my hair nu more. He nu punch Gabby because Gabby a human and he not. But he still helped.”

Jackson sighed. “Lottie.” Her hair had two huge chunks out of it. Nate wasn't a fighter so his first instinct was to look for a Babysitter. After the second cut, he realised he had to be the adult and do something because none of the other little vampires at the table were able to come up with a solution better than sobbing and screaming. He was the big boy, a nine year old after all.

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