(Big Girl, Mostly) Wednesday Night At HQ

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Jackson was headed back to the daycare to pick up Lottie. He was walking side by side with his escort. She had become quite the treasure trove of training tips. Although, she made it rather clear she thought he probably shouldn't even be there and she was only hoping he wouldn't come in last. She really didn't want to lose her bet.

Jackson hadn't exactly made any friends at the headquarters this week but his escort was at least nice to him. In a mean sorta way.

Part way to the daycare, a Latino security guard that Jackson recognised from the conference began walking beside them. He said hello with a nod and so did the other man. His escort took a step back so she was trailing behind at a respectful distance. Which Jackson thought was strange, it wasn't like the large hallways in the headquarters couldn't comfortably pass three people going both ways.

“Jackson, right? The debt collector.”

“Yes, sir.” Jackson the Debt Collector. What everyone thought of him as this week. It was probably one of the nicer things some of them have said about him this week.

“We all started somewhere. Don't mind the others, it just shows more about their own character when they pick on the underdog who isn't going after the same job as them.”

Which was true, the security guards running the conference had already decided the bullies too busy laughing at Jackson to focus on doing their own best were disqualifying themselves from being shortlisted. They didn't need unfocused and immature people working at the headquarters. They were going to be really pissed off when they got their performance reviews after they all went home.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Your stats have been improving nicely. You have potential and good natural instincts. Your previous training was severely lacking. I've read the reports from your office. Expect another week or two like this when we transition those of you that we are keeping back to work.”

Fluffin' Carlos. “Thank you, sir.”

“A lot of people are getting transferred around, Carlos’ mess ran deep, we decided we don't want a lot of cleared people working out of the same office. It lessens the chances of bad habits re-emerging if you and your former co-workers are the minority in an office.”

“We are getting transferred?” Jackson was suddenly worried about Lottie. Moving right now would not be good for her. She wasn't even back to Ms Priyanka's yet.

“Not you. You are on the list to not be relocated unless you request it. You are on paid caretaker leave, we legally couldn't transfer you until six months after your return, unless you put in a request and get it cleared by the doctor.”

Jackson breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to transfer out of that office, preferably into the actual security department. Just not right now, he will wait until Lottie is feeling better to apply for transfers again. “Thank you, sir.”

“How are you enjoying the conference?”

“It's an amazing opportunity way above my pay grade. But I wouldn't say I was ‘enjoying’ it, sir. Sometimes I wonder if the conference coordinator has a humiliation kink, I'm not the only one having trouble keeping up with their demands.”

The man chuckled. “The headquarters only hires the best of the best. The conference is meant to weed out those who aren't ready yet. But even those ones learn a lot. Most of the ones doing well have been to at least one before. The last one was four centuries ago. When we do mass hiring like last century, we don't have time to do a conference. We just hire everyone who we would normally invite. We are constantly monitoring for new talent. Your stats are better than your reports from your office would lead us to believe.”

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