On A Mission

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“Katie, give the ball back to Zhang. He was playing with it first.” Lottie scowled at Katie. Katie pouted and gave the ball back to Zhang before running off.

Lottie huffed and went back to her sand bunny. “CHILDREN.”

Shyla giggled. “You stole Tammy's skipping rope this morning.”

“That's different. Tammy is my arch nemesis while Katie is supposed to be Zhang’s friend.”

“I don't see why they actually listen to you, I've tried but no one ever listens to me so I can't help Maa much with the Babysitting.”

“You just gotta be less cheerful and more grumpy like a bear late for his big winter nap. Grrrr.” Lottie growled for emphasis.

Shyla growled back which somehow resulted in them falling on their sand creations so they laid there and giggled.

“I hope you aren't drunk. Being drunk at Ms Priyanka's would be a problem.” Tammy arrived suddenly. Shyla pouted while Lottie scowled.

“You are blocking our sun. We are trying to tan.” Shyla accused.

“What the hell is your problem?” Lottie huffed. “Do you not know how to have fun without alcohol or without being a pain in my butt? If so, you should speak to a trusted big or your doctor.”

“I know how to have fun! I'm just not going to waste my time having fun with diaper breaths like you!” Tammy huffed and stormed off.

“What?” Lottie looked at Shyla eyeing her.

“You used a bad word! Grrr!” Shyla scolded and tried to be as grumpy as a bear.

“I didn't hear a bad word. Bob didn't hear a bad word. You got nothing on me!” Lottie held up her green fluffie blanket named Bob McBlanketFace.

Shyla pouted and decided the best course of action was to tickle her best friend which made both girls giggle.

They were interrupted by Ms Priyanka calling them in for their nap. There were more littles today than normal. Normally, they got placed in playpens in the living room. Either solo or as a pair. It was kinda like a slumber party but there was a baby monitor watching their every move, so not much of a party.

Lottie once tried to have some fun during nap time and Ms Priyanka came before she even managed to climb out of the playpen. Apparently playpens come with lids so you can't just climb out and hurt yourself. Plus, she was told she was in timeout and couldn't leave naptime the same time as everyone else. THEN, Ms Priyanka had the audacity to tell Daddy.

So now she has to sleep with a lid like a jack-jack-in-the-box because she ‘lost Ms Priyanka's trust’ and needs to earn it back. Tammy likes to make fun of her for it.

What bullshit.

They had to wait until Ms Priyanka gave them a bottle and laid them in their playpen. Except for Shyla, she slept in her nursery and didn't get a bottle.

“There's an extra person today, are you girls okay sharing Shyla's crib just for today?” Ms Priyanka asked.

Shyla and Lottie looked at each other and squealed excitedly. “Yes!”

“Shhh. It's nap time, little ones.”

“Sorry, ma’am.” The girls replied.

Shyla normally spent nap time with her Maa so she didn't get to have nap sleepovers a lot. And Lottie was her best friend!

Lottie was lowered into Shyla's crib with her bottle and Lottie expected Shyla to follow. But instead, Ms Priyanka took Shyla over to a rocking chair. She draped a blanket over Shyla so Lottie couldn't see Shyla's face. Why? Was her bottle that secret? She didn't want to stare so she turned over but she was definitely going to ask Shyla about it later.

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