Bunny Training

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{1945 Words}

After supper, Lottie was almost more excited for their after dinner activity than she was excited for her after dinner breast milk. “Did you get the good stuff this time, Daddy?”

“Yes, baby bunny. But when you put it like that, you make it sound like Daddy is supplying you with some sort of illicit substance.”


“Boring big stuff, baby bunny.”

“You ARE boring. You need a baby bunny to have some fun around here.” Lottie excitedly hopped around. She loved her pet play training. She was getting better at being a baby bunny. Daddy’s baby bunny. There was nuttin’ better.

Except maybe potatoes.

Technically, baby bunnies needed potatoes to eat and everything else came from Daddy sooooo potatoes and Daddies were the two bestest things baby bunnies needed.

“But yes, baby bunny. I do have the diced hashbrowns for your training treats.”

“Yay!!” Lottie hopped-ran around in circles to excitedly do some bunny zoomies, she liked to call them boomies and giggle. She even jumped and kicked her back paws up in excitement like the excited baby bunny she was. She was extra excited for potatoes as her treats tonight.

It took her awhile to get the hang of running and hopping at the same time and to do binkies without face planting but she got the hang of it now. When she messed up, she would get really frustrated but Daddy always cuddled her and told her it was okay because she was just his little baby bunny. She was just too little to do perfect binkies everytime. But she was getting better at them. Sometimes she messed up just so she could get some extra cuddles.

{Bunny binkies and zoomies:}

{Some cute bunny tricks I used for inspiration:}

Jackson let her run around the living room and then caught her attention by tapping the wand on the floor. It was Lottie's idea to use a green magic wand with a star on the end, it made her giggle.

Hearing the tapping of the wand, she quickly and obediently ran over and bopped her nose on it. She sat like a bunny and looked up at Daddy smiling.

“Good girl, baby bunny.” Daddy fed her a single diced potato hashbrown. He had purchased pet play treats but he found potatoes to always be a stronger motivator for Lottie. The pet play treats travelled easier so he kept some in his pocket for impromptu bunny praise.

He then moved the wand to the traffic cones and she followed the wand obediently. She then followed the wand as she weaved through the traffic cones. “Good girl.” He gave her another treat and she giggled.

She then followed the wand as the wand went around in a circle. Daddy gave her a treat again before raising the wand higher in the air. She lifted her front paws in a ‘sitting pretty’ position as she bopped her nose on the wand and Daddy gave her another treat.

He lifted it higher and she had to hop to bop the wand this time. It took two hops to get her aim good enough to bop the wand with her nose. “Good girl, baby bunny.” She giggled and beamed with pride as Daddy scratched in between her bunny ears and the back of her head. That was a tough one. She didn't have the greatest aim. Most of the snowballs she threw at Tammy today missed.

Daddy's Little Grumpy Bunny (A Little Pet Play Story)Where stories live. Discover now