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The last week with her Daddy went really well. She had managed to get through it without any of those dumb spankings! Clearly spankies were just for dummies like Tammy.

Dummies who didn't know how to not get caught.

The girls weren't about to let go of their little feud anytime soon. But they had learned to not fight around bigs or Shyla. Shyla was a good girl so basically everything she saw got telepathically communicated to Ms Priyanka almost immediately.

Sometimes, she didn't even need to go fetch her Maa. She just made a certain face or hand gesture and got her Caregiver’s attention. They have been Babysitting together for centuries, they have a system.

A system that was particularly annoying to a couple of brats.

The only times Lottie and Shyla ever argued was when Shyla tattled on Lottie. But Grumpy Lottie never held a grudge for long. She understood that Caregivers came first, she certainly would listen to her Daddy before Shyla. Although Shyla has never given her any mischievous ideas. On the contrary, Shyla was like a little angel on her shoulder, always frantically whispering reminders to behave.

It was really fucking annoying.

But still, Shyla was her best friend. And Shyla knew a lot about a lot of things. Like, how to make cute puppy dog eyes to get literally anything from your Caregiver (like extra potatoes at 2am), why some littles wear puppy ears everyday, and how to get out of doing dumb chores by having a little meltdown because you are ‘too little to do that’.

Okay, sometimes she has little meltdowns that are not on purpose. But that jacket zipper was evil and out to get her before it even bit her! So she screamed (not because she was a baby or nuttin’!) and bit it back! Her Daddy had to come and rescue h- IT from their screechy and tearful kerfuffle.

Jackson had to put a band-aid where the zipper bit her. There was barely a scratch but she almost DIED.

So now her Daddy has to always zipper her jacket. Not because she's a baby! Just because he needs to keep that fucking zipper demon in check!

She had landed herself in the corner a few times in the last week, both at her Daddy's and at Ms Priyanka’s. What she considered being a cool as fuck sassy pants, they considered being disrespectful.

Tomato toMATo.

Apparently the correct response to “Little ones do not swear.” is NOT “Fucking eh! Why the fuck not?”. But Lottie would beg to differ, she still hasn't gotten a proper response yet, in her opinion. However, she has learned that soap tastes disgusting even when it smells like yummy watermelons.

She also learned that if you don't stay in the corner at Ms Priyanka's, Ms Priyanka will put a harness and kid leash on you. Being tethered to the corner kinda sucked because she had better things to do, like pull Tammy's hair when no one was looking.

She called Tammy's doll a cabbage once. That actually upset Tammy and it made Lottie feel bad. Lottie had also learned how important stuffies and dolls were to littles so that was a line she didn't want to cross again. It was no fun being mortal enemies with someone if their feelings were actually hurt.

She drew Tammy a picture as an apology for the cabbage insult. She also put white glue on the back of it so Tammy's hand got all sticky. Apology, prank. Tomato, toMATo.

The worst part about being her Daddy's little (aside from having to look at Tammy’s bratty face almost every day) were the nights Jackson had to work. Especially if she woke up in the middle of the night, little and crying.

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