Tuesday Day at HQ

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The next morning, Jackson chugged the second milk carton of human blood. He was dreading the fact he still had 80% of this security training conference to go. He then got some workout clothes from the dresser drawers.

The maid had put his clean workout clothes in the dresser drawers. And hung their clean dresses and suits in the wardrobe. Lottie's clean diapers were placed in the changing table. Jackson had left a bit of a mess in his frantic attempt to get ready yesterday but it was perfectly clean and organised when they had gotten back yesterday. And their laundry was returned, Jackson was pretty sure they ironed Lottie’s cloth diapers. Further proving that the rich people here were pretentious.

Okay, maybe not everyone, Jackson just really wanted to go home.

Their clothes and her diapers from yesterday were again waiting in the bathroom in laundry bags with their dirty towels. Having maid service was something Jackson could get used to. Some Doms had maid subs as well as spouse subs and secretary subs.

He had never been tempted by the notion until now. But he definitely didn't actually want a maid sub until Lottie had her little sibling. He might actually need a maid big sub when he was chasing after two littles. Or at least a Co-Dom.

How Lottie's doctor managed twelve diapered bigs, middles, littles and babies without a Co-Dom, Jackson would never know. At least the Head Dom had slaves and bigs who weren't diapered and most were relatively independent. Having the time to share, that would be another issue.

Pretentious rich people showing off that they had more subs than hours in the day. Lottie definitely needed more than less than an hour from him a day. He wanted her with him twenty-four hours a day but you can't always get what you want.

When the knock came, Jackson already had his duffle bag, her diaper bag and sleeping Lottie in his arms. This time, the security guard from yesterday morning nodded. “You are ready on time today. Good.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” It might just have been the first compliment Jackson received at the headquarters.

“You need to learn to not breathe while training.”


“Your stats indicate you are breathing. Vampires do not need to breathe. It slows you down and your opponent is hearing you in the ring.”

“But that would use up my internal blood supply and tire me quicker.”

“The benefits outweigh the costs. You are also hydrating with water like a human. You should be hydrating with blood like everyone else.”

“The sports drink they are drinking?”

“Different blood containers have their purposes. There is a vending machine in the gym. You need to scan your phone but it's still free of cost in the gym.”

“How do you know my stats and my habits?”

“As your escort, I can see your results and the notes the trainers make. They would give you feedback in real time but they prioritise that to people who will actually be shortlisted for the job.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“I've placed a bet that you will not finish last. Good luck.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” Jackson suppressed a huff. Not only was he the joke but they were taking bets to see if he would come in last in a competition with vampires centuries older than him and way more experienced. This week kept getting ‘better and better’.

Jackson did huff when he dropped Lottie off. All he wanted was to crawl into the pet bed with her. But the best he could do was hope that the doggy wasn't around to flirt with her today. Apparently he was French, and everyone knew that French people earned extra ‘charming points’ for being French. This Henri was definitely ‘charming’ her all day long. He gave Lottie a kiss on the forehead and left with a sigh.

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