Part 2 (Little) Thursday at HQ

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Jackson was stressing out. Instead of running laps with everyone else. He was waiting and waiting. It felt like an eternity but it obviously wasn't. This wasn't happening. And to make matters worse, he couldn't even shower or put a suit on first.

“Dude, chill.” Jackson's escort scolded him.

“Were you chill the first time you met with the Head Dom?” Jackson almost squeaked.

“I… I've never spoken a single word to the Head Dom, that's… above my paygrade.”

This did not make Jackson feel any better. She was a security guard at the headquarters and had never spoken to the Head Dom but now he, a debt collector from nowhere, was going to be having a meeting with the Head Dom of the entire fluffin’ Marula vampire family.

In sweaty gym clothes and as Lottie would say, 'in need of two showers and then a bath'.

“Mr Iniko will see you now.” A secretary advised and guided him to the Head Dom’s office.

Fluffer fluffernickle!

The Head Dom's office was huge. The seating area alone fit three couches. The desk looked bigger than a king sized bed. If he was trying to show off, he succeeded.

“Jackson, take a seat.”

“...Yes, yes sir.” Jackson sat down not wanting to start blabbering small chat with the literal Head Dom so he remained silent instead.

“I called you here because I wanted to personally thank you.”

“T… thank me, sir?”

“You single-handedly took down that Carlos. He made a mess of things and no one was dealing with it. Anyone who knew and had the power to do so was turning a blind eye.”

“I… I turned a blind eye too, sir.”

Mr Iniko waved his hand dismissively. “You lacked the power to fix it. You've made complaints to Sub Protective Services and Human Resources which led nowhere. Carlos' reputation protected him. But the moment you were given the power, you seized it.”

“I only did what anyone would do for their sub, sir.”

“Not everyone, there is evidence of other subs that he took, until was bored with them or killed them. Their rightful Doms were too scared to fight back. Either immediately or when Sub Protection Services did a crappy job investigating their friend. You weren't too scared even when SPS didn't do their job.”

“I would do anything for Lottie, sir. But I also probably would have killed Carlos before that if I thought I could actually accomplish it and then get away with it.”

Mr Iniko huffed. “This is the purpose of Sub Protective Services. To be an unbiased support system. To keep humans safe. But the system failed. Specifically on the Marula side and now it's going to cost millions to fix. And the PR! The news only barely stopped talking about last century! Those blasted tabloids are still obsessed because of Louisa! She's a little girl in a hospital, leave her alone! Not to mention the countless lives one man ruined.”

Jackson didn't really know what to say. Given the fact that Lottie likes to call Mr Iniko's grand little ‘Princess’ Louisa, Jackson was sitting in front of a king. A king who seemed to be talking more to himself than to Jackson.

“Your vampire mother, Eliza, she was here too once.”

Jackson winced. Not expecting her to be brought up. “Yes, sir. The previous century.”

“A tragedy really. And again down to a single Marula making a mess and ruining  lives!” Mr Iniko smashed his fist on his desk, making Jackson grimace. “All 27 human littles dead, 4 vampire littles dead, and 12 security guards dead. Bombing a little daycare goes against all the rules of decency!”

“They weren't all security guards, sir.”

Mr Iniko looked at Jackson like he suddenly remembered he was there.

“They got reported as security guards, sir. But not all were. Eliza was just a debt collector, at the headquarters visiting a friend she went to college with. Debt collectors are not considered part of the security department. She was simply trying to help the littles and died trying.”

“Yes, well, a technicality of linguistics. Reporters trying to quantify human and vampire lives to make their headlines pop. 43 people died. Countless traumatised. 43 people with lives and dynamics and families. Louisa was the only human little to survive, barely and only because they didn't want her dead. You were left alone, an adolescent vampire, any less mature and you wouldn't have been allowed to stay alone.”

“Being alone causes a person to mature quickly, sir.”

“I can only imagine. Louisa is struggling as a baby vampire and she has Theo.”

“We don't all have the ability to be checked into the nicest baby vampire hospital in the country as needed. …sir.”

“This is all that bitch, Cassidy’s fault! Sometimes I wish she had a slow death.”

“Sometimes I wish Cassidy was never a Marula, sir.”

Mr Iniko huffed. “Edwin was in love but for Cassidy it was all about the bombing. He is utterly heartbroken.”

“Losing a loved one can be challenging, sir.”

“Yes. Well. All we can do is live in the present and for the future." Mr Iniko huffed, suddenly remembering the task at hand. "Firstly, Carlos making you pay for Lottie's parents’ debt and you claiming Lottie is redundant and not how the system is supposed to work. Especially since Lottie never consented to pay off her parents' debt. Therefore, the money has been refunded back into your account. You do not need to pay to claim your sub.”

Jackson gasped, not expecting such a gift. “Thank you, sir.”

“Secondly, the moment you had paid her parents’ debt, Lottie should have been set free from her contract with the Marulas. Therefore, to further resolve the redundant unethicalness of the situation, Lottie is no longer under contract. She may leave the Marula family if she chooses effective immediately.”

Jackson's stomach did somersaults. “Thank you, sir.”

“Thirdly, Carlos has been writing unfavourable reports on you over the years. But in light of recent evidence, those reports were entirely biassed and written by an incompetent man. Therefore, they have all been completely erased from your file.”

“Thank you, sir.” Jackson breathed a sigh of relief. It was kinda difficult to get promoted when your current boss was writing all about how horrible an employee you were.

“Fourthly, since that leaves your employment record essentially empty of reports and both Felipe and I believe you to have potential that should no longer be dampened by that nincompoop. We have co-authored a reference letter. That reference letter states that you are to be offered any entry level security position you apply for, when you and your dynamic are ready of course.”

Jackson just about fell out of his chair. “...Thank you, sir. I… I'm not sure how to tell you how much this means to me.” Jackson had been applying for different jobs since before his vampire mom died. And now he had the Head Dom and the Marula Head of Security promising him a job.

Maybe he should tell people they have a humiliation kink and a charming French doggy more often!

“Do not make me look bad at that new security job of yours. I would hate to erase more things from your file to disassociate from you.”

“I… I won't let you down, sir.”


When Jackson walked out of the Head Dom's office, he was happy, really really happy. It was like the Head Dom swooped in and solved all of his current problems. Today could not get any better. Now, both he and Lottie were having a good day at the headquarters.

Until he saw his escort. “What's wrong?”

“There's been an incident.”

“What kind of incident?”

“Lottie was in a fight, well two fights.”

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