Not As Smart As She Thought

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The worst thing about having a vampire as a Caregiver was that she could never be strong enough to squirm out of Daddy's gasp. Especially when they were making the now familiar path to the bathroom. At this point, she wouldn't be surprised if she had spent more time in here getting her mouth or her hands cleaned than actually using the toilet.

“How many times are we going to go through this, Lottie Marula?”

Lottie winced. She never had a last name before because she had never been part of a vampire or human family. Now, she only heard her full name when Daddy was particularly disappointed in her. The disappointment stung more than the familiar soap on her tongue.

“We should never have to go through this. There is nothing wrong with littles swearing. It's just FUCKING words.”

Okay, maybe not the smartest thing to say when you are already on your Caregiver’s bad side. But she was riled up and trying to avoid the disgusting taste of soap. Again, not the smartest thing to say. Her mother DID always say she was ‘dumb as a doorknob’.

He washed her mouth not twice, but three times. She really messed up today. He only ever did two, at most, when he was really frustrated with her lack of caring about the no swearing rule.

“What do you have to say for yourself now that your mouth is washed out? Or is it my fault for being too gentle with your punishments during our first week?” Jackson asked, expecting an apology. 

Even though she seemed ready for a blood feeding, he still didn't want to rush her into the next steps of their relationship. She had been through a lot in the last week or so. And he wanted to protect her, not hurt her if she wasn't ready. 

The image of her curling into herself at the mere mention of her childhood babysitter’s flyswatter flashed in his mind. He never wanted to see her that scared or traumatised again, especially not because of him. And his hand would hurt a lot worse than the threats of a flyswatter.

For some reason, Lottie was feeling particularly feisty. Maybe because she had gotten quite used to the taste of soap. Maybe because she was stubborn in her convictions that she should be allowed to swear. Maybe because she was feeling rather invincible because Daddy was obviously never ever going to spank her.


She definitely didn't hear the warning in the last part of his question. Maybe she didn't want to hear it. Maybe she just wasn't accustomed to those sorts of warnings. Or maybe her mother was right about her after all.

Lottie shivered at Jackson's stern tone. But it wasn't enough to vanquish her feistiness. After all, the ‘less gentle’ punishment Jackson was referring to was just a fourth mouth washing or spending longer times in the corner, right?

“My mouth hasn't been washed out. You get mouth germs cleaned by using fucking toothpaste, dumbass.”

Shit. Lottie’s feistiness was suddenly replaced with fearful eyes. She hadn't meant to say the last part. Jackson was gonna hate her now. She took the whole swearing thing too far, he was gonna send her back to Carlos now.

No one wants a little who calls their Caregiver mean names.

Jackson’s eyes were the opposite of fearful. He picked her up and took her into his bedroom. She was too busy crying and caught up in her thoughts to try to squirm out of his gasp.

Her parents didn't want her. Her older brother only ever wanted to bully her. Now Jackson wasn't going to want her anymore. He hated her now too. He was gonna send her back to Carlos until Carlos hated her as well and then she would get passed along again. 

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